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Posts posted by BCOutdoors

  1. First time ever on a talk site. I have a P II 333 with 128 ram. I run xp

    service pack 1 only with office xp, evedence eliminator, norton 2003 and

    regestry mechanic (All the other little programs). I have only used 2.5 Gig of

    my 4 Gig hard drive. Everything runs fine just slow (I have fast ADSL). No

    programs running, I am using %4 of my CPU and 110 MB RAM.

    First I am *not* concerned about my security, what is the best antivirus to

    use that will scan my e-mails, etc and uses the least resorces.

    Second there is a couple of processes I want to DELETE, not end temporarorly

    till the next boot up. How do I delete them?

    Third how do I get rid of the virus Isass.exe?

    Thankyou and if you know where elese I can post these questions please let me

    know. TYLER


  2. First time ever on a talk site. I have a P II 333 with 128 ram. I run xp service pack 1 only with office xp, evedence eliminator, norton 2003 and regestry mechanic (All the other little programs). I have only used 2.5 Gig of my 4 Gig hard drive. Everything runs fine just slow (I have fast ADSL). No programs running, I am using %4 of my CPU and 110 MB RAM.

    First I am *not* concerned about my security, what is the best antivirus to use that will scan my e-mails, etc and uses the least resorces.

    Second there is a couple of processes I want to DELETE, not end temporarorly till the next boot up. How do I delete them?

    Third how do I get rid of the virus Isass.exe?

    Thankyou and if you know where elese I can post these questions please let me know. TYLER


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