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About USSR98SE

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    Windows 7 x86

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  1. I "nano" the installation(AFTER) not the installation process(BEFORE). All stuff ,which could be done during the installation process, will I change (nLite and further Unattended) And then I push the size down after the installation with more tools (like UPX) and or by deletion of unused stuff.
  2. @ submix8c how should I UPX files even before the installation? Thats impossible during a installation... If I understood you right Nano98 is not different from my experiment, he installed 98 and pushed it down afterwards to 4 MB. @jaclaz: I need only Internet, but not with IE,which can be removed. nLite is a good start for me, but I also found a Unattend Install which maybe helps a bit more on my way... I can also try a Whistler build. at the moment I am working with XP Home, as it has fewer functions than Professional. Waybackmachine doesn't work everytime or has a bug with the robots.txt or something like that.. http://www.i64x.com/eeexp.php following this tutorial I would deleted all drivers? But how to set up a basic internetconnection after this (LAN is Deleted, sure I can let this things in and not delete it) But thanks
  3. I don't want to install a XP , which is Nano at the beginning... I also remove stuff afterwards. Today I will try to slim down XP to 500 MB's if it is possible. I know some sites with tips, but they are down.
  4. Hi, for a exerpiment I want to make the real "Ultimate Nano Install"... I searched around the Web, but nearly everything which gives me tips is down since some years. I want to trim it down to under 200 MBs. My first step would be nlite and I tested it out today and got down do 540 MB's, but I didn't disabled everything. Can someone give me tips what I should all disable (what can I keep to use at least Firefox or another super-slim browser?). Then after the installation I would use other tools and deleted unused things ,which are still there. And other things should be UPXed , but I don'T know how upx works somebody got a tutorial? All is done in a VM. My first attempt was 540 MB's with a Installation which took 4 Minutes. Can you give me tips? EDIT: ouch didn't see the Costumize-Section can someone move this?
  5. Hi, here I got my old laptop. He is replaced with a new one and the new one is replaced with an even newer one. It is from 2007 and after it got replaced it got the status of an experimental Laptop. I used it for Windows 7 Alphas and Windows 8 WDP. Now I got an Windows 98SE Disk here and a ME Update as .iso , which I made years ago. I want to make a clear install. I want to make 2 Partitions, one maybe 2-10 GB with 98SE (maybe -> me) and one with Ubuntu. How to do this? What I have to? Where should I pay attention... USSR 98SE
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