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Everything posted by Alystinn

  1. I finally get the answer from StackOverflow website : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25294855/7-zip-sfx-executable-doesnt-have-the-full-registry The reg.exe command must be followed with /reg:64 switch : @echo off:: ===========================================================================:: Install script:: =========================================================================== mode con: cols=130 TITLE Install Script for /F "delims=" %%j in ('cd') do set CURRDIR=%%jecho. >%TEMP%\install.logecho ======================== >>%TEMP%\install.logecho Get oracle Homes: >>%TEMP%\install.logecho ======================== >>%TEMP%\install.logecho. >>%TEMP%\install.log::set KEY_NAME1=HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraDb11g_home1set VALUE_NAME1=ORACLE_HOME::FOR /F "tokens=1-3" %%A IN ('REG QUERY %KEY_NAME1% /reg:64 /v %VALUE_NAME1% 2^>nul') DO ( set O-HOME=%%C)if defined O-HOME ( @echo Database Home is: %O-HOME% >>%temp%\install.log) else ( @echo %KEY_NAME1%\%VALUE_NAME1% not found.)::::pause::::exitThanks for your helps anyway
  2. Thanks for your answers. Here is the script : @echo off:: ===========================================================================:: Install script:: =========================================================================== mode con: cols=130 TITLE Install Script for /F "delims=" %%j in ('cd') do set CURRDIR=%%jecho. >%TEMP%\install.logecho ======================== >>%TEMP%\install.logecho Get oracle Homes: >>%TEMP%\install.logecho ======================== >>%TEMP%\install.logecho. >>%TEMP%\install.log::set KEY_NAME1=HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraDb11g_home1set VALUE_NAME1=ORACLE_HOME::FOR /F "tokens=1-3" %%A IN ('REG QUERY %KEY_NAME1% /v %VALUE_NAME1% 2^>nul') DO ( set O-HOME=%%C)if defined O-HOME ( @echo Database Home is: %O-HOME% >>%temp%\install.log) else ( @echo %KEY_NAME1%\%VALUE_NAME1% not found.)::::pause::::exit@Yzöwl :I try yours and it works fine...but not from SfX archive, and it's the main problem: I want that batch to be run after the SfX extraction. I just noticed something, when the REG QUERY is applied on a key which contains spaces (ex: REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" /V "Version"), the batch works. Don't know if it can helps !
  3. From the reg query in the batch ("ERROR: The system was unable to find te specified registry key or value") But the reg key actually exists !
  4. Hi eveybody, First sorry for my English, I'm French I just try to create a basic SFX archive with software like 7zip SFX Maker or WinRAR. This script just run the following Windows batch (install.cmd) : @echo off:: Install.cmdecho.echo ========================echo Get oracle Homes:echo ========================echo.set KEY_NAME1=HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraDb11g_home1set VALUE_NAME1=ORACLE_HOME::FOR /F "tokens=3" %%a IN ('REG QUERY %KEY_NAME1% /v %VALUE_NAME1%') DO (set O-HOME=%%a)echo %O-HOME%::pause::::exitThe SFX parameters are : ;Le commentaire ci-dessous contient des commandes pour script SFXSetup=Install.cmdTempModeSilent=1Overwrite=1Title=DG SetupAnd when I run the SfX file, the batch did not run properly and I have an error message, but if I run the batch manually it works like a charm! Think something is wrong in my SFX setup but I have no idea, could you please help !!
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