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Everything posted by mlacaille

  1. Basically what I’m doing is creating a script that prompt the user for a choice of taking a picture of the computer (with Prism Deploy) or finding the changes on the computer with a previous image file. I needs to select the previous image file because my scripts writes the script for Prism Deploy depending on the user choice and/or the old image selected.
  2. I Found this script that looks ok but if the file name is spaced it does not work It tried adding value to get it to work but with no succes.
  3. Thanks I looked at the scripts, I hade a similar scripts but it only gives me the path without the filename
  4. I'm trying to write a script that will promt a browse windows and will return the full path (with space) of a file so I can use it in my script to compare another file. Cant get the script to work because there is some spaces in the path name. HLP Please This is the script that I got from the net but it dose not work with space name ?? Dim ShellApp, Ret, s, i Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application") On Error Resume Next Set Ret = ShellApp.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose file.", 16384) s = Ret.title If Err.number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Cancelled" WScript.Quit End If s = GetPath(Ret, i) MsgBox s & "-" & cstr(i) '--show full path and type of item returned. 0-namespace. 1-drive. 2-folder. 3-file. Set ShellApp = nothing WScript.Quit Function GetPath(Fil, iItem) Dim Pt1, fPar, sn, Obj, sType On Error Resume Next sn = Fil.title Set fPar = Fil.parentfolder Set Obj = fPar.parsename(sn) '--return item selected as a Shell FolderItem. If Obj.isfilesystem = false Then Pt1 = instr(sn, ":") If Pt1 = 0 Then iItem = 0 '--namespace. getpath = sn Else iItem = 1 '--drive. getpath = mid(sn, (Pt1 - 1), 2) & "\" End If Set Obj = nothing exit Function End If sType = Obj.type '--Get object Type as shown in folder Details view. If instr(sType, "Folder") = 0 Then iItem = 3 '--file. Else iItem = 2 '--folder. End If getpath = Obj.path Set Obj = nothing End Function
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