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Posts posted by Supafly

  1. Hi!

    I've made a small Updatescript. This script will Execute all Windows-Patches

    (locat in a Folder) silently and with no reboot ( /q /z ).

    So you wont see anything on the monitor! But i need a Messagebox (or something

    else) that advises the user, that Patches are installing at the moment.

    It shouldn't have any buttons to close the Box and it should dissapear after

    patchinstallation (end of script).

    Can anyone help me?


  2. Im using Ghost to download/upload images from a Windows2003 Server.

    But i've got a problem, uploading images:

    After about 40 seconds, the speed will sink from 140mb/s to 10mb/s.

    Im using Ghost 8.0 with a TCP/IP BootCD.

    If i upload the image on an other Server it will upload constantly with 140mb/s.

  3. hi guys!

    i've got a small but a complex problem.

    First look at the attachement to see, how my network looks like.

    I need to access \\CHTHL-QUOTA\image from the Hub, and from the Switch.

    The problem is....

    On Workgroup network, my laptop is connected to de Hub.

    Now i can access CHTHL-QUOTA with a username and password (local user of CHTHL-QUOTA: EUC).

    But if my Laptop is connected to the Switch (EU Domain) AND is member of EU Domain, CHTHL-QUOTA will Deny my access to its share. Even i access the share

    with the user EUC and the same Password i used in Workgroup network.

    So what can i do? is this a policy Problem?

    btw. CHTHL-QUOTA is not in EU Domain.

    My english isn't too good :), so i hope you'll understand it...


  4. ah okay. Done!

    I now have installed de NETBIOS/NETBEUI/IPX Protocol on the server.

    Then i got an "Access denied" in DOS on the laptop. But at last i could

    map the shared folder with NET USE G: \\CHTHL-QUOTA\LTXP !

    So now i looked at the local policies. I changed the values of


    Looked at the User And group rights too.

    Now it works!

  5. Ive got a small network.

    I have to map a shared folder from CHTHL-QUOTA to the Laptop so

    i can start Ghost. In CHTHL-QUOTA i configured a DHCP server.

    my only problem is, that i cant ping CHTHL-QUOTA with name, only with

    IP (


  6. Hi

    hope someone can help me.

    I need to check (with a script), if Office 2003 SP1 is installed.

    I could check the location or File like this:

    If FileExists("C:\Programme\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\blalbalbla") Then

    or a Registry Key....

    But has anyone got an idea wich Key or File can tell me, that Office 2003 SP1 is installed?


  7. hi there!

    sorry im swiss, so my english isn't perfect ;)

    ok to my problem:

    I have to upgrade all PC's (about 80) to Office 2003 with French and German Languagepack. This installation should be unattended and should in the logonscript.

    first problem:

    What is installed on the PC's. i must analyze each computer with

    this script. so the script must find out which version the user has and if he already

    got a languagepack. So 5 results are possible.

    - Office 2000

    - Office 2003

    - Office 2003 German

    - Office 2003 French

    - Office 2003 German + French

    how can i read the version and installed languagepacks out of the registry or with WMI?

    second problem:

    Ive already created MST-Files for unattended Office2003 upgrade, and

    each language pack.

    - Office_2k3_upgrade.MST

    - german.MST

    - french.MST

    i will run Office_2k3_upgrade.MST with a batch file:

    start \\chthl-prod-11\office2k3\Office2k3\SETUPPRO.EXE TRANSFORMS=\\chthl-prod-11\office2k3\Batchfiles\Office2k4_Fullupgrade.MST /qb-

    and than i need to start german.MST and french.MST! But how can i let german install run first and afterwards french? if i write the commands in a batch file, they

    will start at the same time ?!

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