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Everything posted by Ratbear

  1. also, I can map drives and FTP to the server but if I try to TS in, it will crash......? Runs perfect if I setup VNC and logon that way as well as PCAnywhere, no problems there either, could just be a corrupt OS, bad registry, etc. but I want to believe there is a fix outside of re-install.
  2. Has anyone seen where when you try to logon to a Win2000 server using Terminal Services and it crashes (or reboots) the server? I mean, you can run a ping and watch it, then try to connect to the server using TS and you will see it go down? This has happened on three servers now and the only thing we can figure out is to use VNC, PCAnywhere or re-install the OS. We have un-installed and re-installed TS, re-installed SP3, it is fully patched. I can't really find out why it starts doing this, but it has happened three (3) times now and it is a bit frustrating. Any help would be appreciaited. Thanks
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