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  1. Is the MSO cache still on the drive.... Make sure you have authenticad user rights on that folder...
  2. I could not get WPI to install, the program ran but when I selected a program to install I got a script error both on the installer and on the pngbehavior.htc. When I went to file explorer and right clicked on file and went to properties I noticed an additional block that states these files came from another computer and I had to unblock the file. Once I did that to both files, my installs went fine... Not sure if anyone has run across this but it's a fix... Must be a patch that Microsoft pushed...
  3. This is a nice VBS for shutting down system restore on partitions, opposed to going through all the steps Microsoft requires. Only need to change the drive = line. Insure that you use the :\ after it... Hope everyone likes this one... Set Args = wscript.Arguments If Args.Count() > 0 Then Drive = Args.item(0) Else Drive = "H:\" End If Set obj = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!root/default:SystemRestore") If (obj.Disable(Drive)) = 0 Then wscript.Echo "Success" Else wscript.Echo "Failed" End If
  4. Figured it out... Had to create a batch file instead of a cmd and use: regedit /s *.reg thanks...
  5. Sorry guys, still noob to this but I have 2 reg files I have to import into the registry before my silent install. Is there anyway to silent install reg files or auto answer them... I might have to move this to another forumn? Thanks in advance
  6. Thank You Sir, much appreciated... And by the way, this is one awesome proggy and appreciate the work that you have put into it... I was very impressed.. they should have you code "Vista" cause your interface looks 100% better than theirs...
  7. Need help in disabling the Tool tips on version 4.3.5. I have done what the help stated and it did not work? Anyone that can be of any assistance... Thanks in advance...
  8. Yes, I have them on my root of the CD....
  9. I have created my unattended sp2 cd with my sil raid drivers and when I boot to it, it always asked me for Windows XP SP1 CD or Windows XP CD... This happens after the F6 for the drivers and F2 for auto recovery... Any clue guys.. Thanks...
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