Hello, Using windows AIK 7 (SP1) installed under XP-SP3 (also tried it under Windows 7) I'm trying to create a WinPE-64 CD that runs from RAM. So I did the following steps according to the walkthrough: 1. copype.cmd ia64 c:\winpe_64 (also tried amd64) 2. copy e:\winpe_64\winpe.wim e:\winpe_64\ISO\sources\boot.wim 3. oscdimg.exe -n -be:\winpe_64\efisys.bin e:\winpe_64\ISO e:\winpe_64\winpex64efi.iso Then I burned the CD and booted the PC. I got the following messages: Boot from CD/DVD 1. FD 1.44 MB Sysem Type -(13) Non-System disk or disk error Replace and press any key when ready When I did the above steps to create WinPE-32, it worked OK. Can you help ? Thanks, Zvika