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About yweiss

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    Windows 7 x86

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  1. Hello again someone can help me to make the batch script for capture the .wim file to a Autiit GUI ? and also GUI with buttons that if i press on it it will start the aimagex_gui.exe apply and the imagex_gui_compress.exe ? 10x a lot!!
  2. Thank you very much for your help! can you do this script also in vbs with the same GUI? plz @echo off cd /d %~dp0 if not exist "imagex.exe" goto _notexist goto _main :_notexist echo. echo IMAGEX.EXE executable not found. Please ensure that imagex_capture.cmd echo is in the same folder as IMAGEX.EXE before executing this script. echo This script will now exit. echo. pause exit :_main if exist "%_ctarget%" set _append=yes if not exist "%_ctarget%" set _append=no if /i "%_append%"=="yes" set function=Append if /i "%_append%"=="no" set function=Capture echo. echo. echo [I M A G E X C A P T U R E / A P P E N D M A I N M E N U] echo. echo 1) Specify or change source path, the path you want to capture (e.g. C:\) echo Source: [%_csource%] echo. echo 2) Specify or change target image to create/append (e.g. d:\myimage.wim) if "%_append%"=="yes" echo *Image will be appended unless you specify a non-existing image file.* echo Target: [%_ctarget%] echo. echo 3) Specify or change unique description of your image (e.g. Vista Backup) echo Description: [%_descript%] echo. echo 4) Specify or change FLAG of your image (e.g. ULTIMATE) echo FLAG: [%_FLAG%] echo. echo 5) Specify or change compression type (MAXIMU, FAST, NONE) echo Compression: [%_compr%] echo. if "%_csource%" == "" goto _menu1 if "%_ctarget%" == "" goto _menu1 if "%_descript%" == "" goto _menu1 if "%_append%" == "yes" goto _skipcapture if "%_FLAG%" == "" goto _menu1 if "%_compr%" == "" goto _menu1 :_skipcapture echo 6) %function% your image now when ready echo From [%_csource%] To [%_ctarget%] echo. :_menu1 echo Q) Quit. R) Reset all variables echo. :_mainch set _ok= set /p _ok=Enter your choice: if "%_ok%" == "1" goto _getsrc if "%_ok%" == "2" goto _gettarget if "%_ok%" == "3" goto _getdescript if "%_ok%" == "4" goto _getFLAG if "%_ok%" == "5" goto _getcompr if "%_ok%" == "6" goto _capture if /I "%_ok%" == "q" goto _end if /I "%_ok%" == "r" goto _reset goto _mainch :_getsrc set _ok= echo. echo Specify location of source to capture as a .wim image. echo Usually, this would be the root of a drive, such as C:\. echo. set /p _ok=Enter Source path: if exist "%_ok%" ( setx _csource %_ok% set _csource=%_ok% ) else ( echo. echo --------------------------------------- echo Error: The path "%_ok%" does not exist. echo --------------------------------------- goto _getsrc ) goto _main :_gettarget set _ok= echo. echo Specify path and filename to store the target image, such as D:\image.wim. echo. set /p _ok=Enter Target image path: for %%A in (%_ok%) do set _ext=%%~xA && set _path=%%~dpA if /I not "%_ext%"==".wim " ( echo. echo ----------------------------------------------------- echo Error: The filename entered is not a valid .wim file. echo ----------------------------------------------------- goto _gettarget ) else ( if exist %_ok% ( set _ctarget=%_ok% setx _ctarget %_ok% set _append=yes setx _append yes goto _main ) else ( if not exist %_path% ( echo. echo ----------------------------------------------------- echo Path does not exist. Please input a valid path again. echo ----------------------------------------------------- goto _gettarget ) else ( setx _ctarget %_ok% set _ctarget=%_ok% set _append=no setx _append no goto _main ) ) ) :_getcompr set comp = echo. echo Please select compression type. echo. echo 1 for MAXIMUM echo 2 for FAST echo 3 for NONE echo. set /p type=Enter compression type: if %type%==1 set _compr=MAXIMUM&& setx _compr MAXIMUM if %type%==2 set _compr=FAST&& setx _compr FAST if %type%==3 set _compr=NONE&& setx _compr NONE goto _main :_getFLAG set _ok= echo. echo Specify image FLAG (without quotes). echo. set /p _ok=Enter FLAG: set _FLAG=%_ok% setx _FLAG %_ok% goto _main :_getdescript set _ok= echo. echo Type description of image (without quotes). echo. set /p _ok=Enter description: set _descript=%_ok% setx _descript "%_ok%" goto _main :_capture echo. if "%_append%"=="yes" goto _appendimage echo Ready to capture image from source %_csource% and store image to file echo %_ctarget% using compression type %_compr%. echo. pause echo. @echo on imagex.exe /capture "%_csource%" "%_ctarget%" "%_FLAG%" "%_descript%" /COMPRESS %_compr% @echo off pause goto _end :_appendimage echo. echo Ready to append image from source %_csource% and store image to file echo %_ctarget%. echo. pause echo. @echo on imagex.exe /append "%_csource%" "%_ctarget%" "%_descript%" @echo off pause echo. goto _end :_reset set _csource= set _ctarget= set _descript= set _compr= set _FLAG= set _append= goto _main :_end 10x a lot man
  3. 10x i will check it but i i think there is problem C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe" /apply ' & $source & " " & $index & " " & $drive i run the script from winpe dvd disk and the imagex is not in this path, it in x:\windows\system32\imagex.exe so how can i change it? and i prefare it in batch script and what about the last command: d:\windows\system32\bcdboot d:\windows ?
  4. yozel the new script you did is not working... when i try to choose my .wim file the script just close and when i choose the target folder its keep telling me that the path is invaild (even when i choose exit folder) can you plz help me?? and if you can help me with the command d:\windows\system32 bcdboot d:\windows - i want that the script will do this command but before he will ask me where i apllyied the wim file and then it will run from this partition 10x
  5. Hello, I'm using this great batch script to capture and apply my image @echo off cd /d %~dp0 if not exist "imagex.exe" goto _notexist goto _main :_notexist echo. echo IMAGEX.EXE executable not found. Please ensure that IMAGEX_APPLY.CMD echo is in the same folder as IMAGEX.EXE before executing this script. echo This script will now exit. echo. pause exit :_main echo. echo. echo. echo [I M A G E X A P P L Y M A I N M E N U] echo. echo 1) Specify or change source path (the path to you .wim image file) echo Source: [%_asource%] echo. echo 2) Specify or change target path, where your image will be restored echo Target: [%_atarget%] echo. echo 3) Specify or change index you want to restore (a number, such as 2) echo Index: [%_index%] echo. if "%_asource%" == "" goto _menu1 if "%_atarget%" == "" goto _menu1 if "%_index%" == "" goto _menu1 echo 4) Apply your image now where ready echo From [%_asource%] To [%_atarget%] echo. :_menu1 echo Q) Quit. R) Reset all variables. echo. :_mainch set _ok= set /p _ok=Enter your choice: if "%_ok%" == "1" goto _getsrc if "%_ok%" == "2" goto _gettarget if "%_ok%" == "3" goto _getindex if "%_ok%" == "4" goto _apply if /I "%_ok%" == "q" goto _end if /I "%_ok%" == "r" goto _reset goto _mainch :_getsrc set _ok= echo. echo Specify location of source image to restore with full path. set /p _ok=Enter Source path: for %%A in (%_ok%) do set _ext=%%~xA if not exist %_ok% ( echo. echo --------------------------------------------------------- echo Path does not exist. Please input a valid location again. echo --------------------------------------------------------- goto _getsrc ) else ( if /I "%_ext%"==".wim" ( set _asource=%_ok% setx _asource %_ok% goto _main ) else ( echo. echo --------------------------------------------------------------- echo Error: The path "%_ok%" does not seem to be a valid .wim image file. echo --------------------------------------------------------------- goto _getsrc ) ) :_gettarget set _ok= echo. echo Specify target to install source image with full path. set /p _ok=Enter Target path: if exist "%_ok%" ( set _atarget=%_ok% setx _atarget %_ok% ) else ( echo. echo --------------------------------------------------------------- echo Error: The path "%_ok%" is not a correct location. echo --------------------------------------------------------------- goto _gettarget ) goto _main :_getindex set _ok= echo. echo Specify image index with a number set /p _ok=Enter Index number: set _index=%_ok% setx _index %_ok% goto _main :_apply echo. echo. @echo on imagex.exe /apply "%_asource%" %_index% "%_atarget%" @echo off echo. pause goto _end :_reset set _asource= set _index= set _atarget= goto _main :_end but there is a problem that when i want to choose my .wim file it keep say to me that : Error: The path "%_ok%" does not seem to be a valid .wim image file. even when i put the correct full path for the wim file someone can help me with it? and also i want that after the apply prcess complete the script will run the next command d:\windows\system32\bcdboot d:\windows when d: is the drive that the wim file was install to (the hard drive that windows will be in it) so i want that the script will ask for the drive letter or will use one of the variabels from it 10x
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