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About johnsed

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    Server 2008 x86

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  1. I wrote a C# program to add/mount/dismount volumes (disks) utilizing the NET 4.0 Microsoft.Storage.Vds library. The program works fine but my Windows 2008 and 2008 R2 server images have a default Dynamic Pack instance based on the Dynamic Provider. I based the C# program on the Virtual Disk Service (VDS) object model is defined in this Microsoft URL: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383402%28v=VS.85%29.aspx VDS has a Service Loader that contains a Service. The Service contains a set of Providers (Dynamic/Basic). A Provider contains a set of Packs and a Pack contains a set of Disks and/or Volumes. My default Dynamic Pack has the following set of parameters: · Disks: Empty "Enumeration yielded no results" · Flags: Corrupted · Name: "Invalid" · Provider: Points to Dynamic Provider · ID: e092a187-b5cf-4a21-9833-03968cef1beb · Volumes: Empty "Enumeration yielded no results" I’d want to remove the invalid Dynamic Pack. I can create a valid Dynamic Pack for the initial set of disk/volume groups that I want to add. However, when I want to create subsequent sets of Dynamic Packs, it is not allowed. The error message indicates that an empty Dynamic Pack already exists. This would be the “Invalid” Dynamic Pack. I tired to remove it programmatically via the “Dispose” function and the System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject but an exception is throw that indicates that this default Dynamic Pack was not created as VDS object. Is there any utility that can remove a Pack? I believe that Dispart works at the Disk and Volume level. I need to remove the "Invalid" Pack that sits above the disk and volumes. Any assistance would be appreciated.
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