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  1. thanks a bunch. I'm going to try that out right now.
  2. I created a multiboot cd with 4 different version of xp. OEM and Retail home and pro. I also added a few other features like pn8, ghost, win98 bootdisk, ntfspro, etc. Everything is workiing really well now so I want to take it one step further and add an option to all the xp's to also do an unattended install. Now I'm not really sure how to go about this. If I make 4 new folders that are clones of the xp install files and add winnt.sif to it and tell cdshell to boot that install for the unattended will that work? Or I could make images of a win98 floppy and have the autoexec.bat run winnt.exe /u:unattend.txt /s:<cd path>\root\winfldr\i386 The problem with that is how do I get the drive letter for the cd rom drive that's in use? All the computers I work on are different so everything has to be dynamic. If anyone knows of easier ways let me know. I came up with these ideas late last night.
  3. I get the usual eula missing error but I cannot seem to fix it. I tired deleting the txtsetup.si_ and that doesn't fix it. My CD is let up as following Root -> the win51 files -> OEMH.DAT ->OEMH Folder ---->(dumped i386 folder in here) set txtsetup.sif setupsource = "\OEMH" set setupldr.bin (replaced i386 with OEMH) I'm trying to make a 4in1 cd with XP OEM home and pro. and retail home and pro. The cd boots fine till it gets to the EULA. This is my first attempt at this so I think I'm missing something small. I checked a few tutorials and they seem a bit dated as they don't include SP2.
  4. I have bartpe and windows XP home OEM both with sp2 slipstreamed on. My bartPE folder is 370mb and my XP Home folder is about 500mb. I figured that using cdimage I should be able to get this down to 700mb seeing how the majority of the bartPE folder is windows XP. Has anyone had any success getting both these on. I really want to stay away from the DVD idea because a lot of the computers that I work with don't have DVD-ROMs.
  5. As you might have guessed, my name is Rich. I stumbled across this forum a while ago while looking for unattended installation of Norton AntiVirus 2004. I haven't really seen any other forum like this. It contains of wealth of valuable infromation that only certain people would find relevant. The reason I decided to finally sign up is because I will be making a custom winPE discs. I work at a computer service center and most of the problems that we're seeing now involve spyware and viruses. So I want to make a CD that will hopefully make the process of removing then a little more efficient. Well, that's about it.
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