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Everything posted by daveyr

  1. issue has been resolved :-) all i did was after installing win 7 on sata drive whilst running ide it caused dual boot so relogged into sata went to device manager and disabled the ide this made the sata drive primary then i turned off ide for hd in bios to stop pc looking for it this allowed me to remove the ide from pc and run sata drive then spent most of the day downloading ms updates (hates fresh installs lol) thanks again jaclaz
  2. Thankyou jaclaz i will give it a try sounds complicated but will do my best many thanks i also tried the raid drivers but still wouldnt boot so let it run the whole night for full format so gonna start over thanks again
  3. my brothers dell precision sata hdd fialed causing blue screen so i purchased a new hdd for him unfortunately its a sata 2 drive the salesman said it will work fine unfortunately i cannot get it to act as a bootable device ? i took ide from cd rom and plugged in ide drive with operating system i found sata drive in disk manager and formatted it so as to be recodnised in windows i then installed win 7 onto it it works fine and boots up if ide hdd is plugged in when i try running it on its own i get error no operating system found ??? it will not boot on its own but works fine if i am running a ide hdd with it is there a a reason for this or a way to run it on its own ??? can anyone advise i never worked with sata drives before so not sure if its a installation error drive recodnised in bios ect i also tried installing vista and xp with same results
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