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Everything posted by Heaney

  1. Hi. That's great but you missed out my SET APPDATA=N:/data/ Bit. That's the important bit. I need to set it so that it will think %Appdata% is actually in N:\data\ I know how to do that in batch files but not in vbscript :/ I know that you use strAppData=objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%") And then something, but not the something
  2. Hello. I know how to write batch files, and have written one to perform a task. However, I need to convert this into a vbs file, because the system I am running this on does not have permission to use batch files. Here is the batch file: @echo off SET APPDATA=N:/data/ Start "Test" "N:\Test.jar" I would be very appreciative if someone can convert this into a vbs file!
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