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Everything posted by suisse

  1. hi I found the problem. My Office 2003 License for home use is not able to be runned in silent mode with /qb- So I can forget that.... That had nothing to do with runex, the script or the rest. anyway, thx for your help all. cheers Olivier
  2. hi I don't think that is the problem but I will try that. As I said: the mst is working but no in a script
  3. hi Trying to run office 2003 in a cmdlines.txt batch start /wait c:\Apps\MSOffice2003\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=c:\Apps\MSOffice2003\silent.mst /qb- and also tried with a runonceex key MST working fine but as soon as I use the /qb- switch in the batch, MSI is stopping and scripts are going on. It seems as the MSI send an "finished" (code 0) status but it is not finished. As mentioned: running the MSI without /qb- works perfectly. Any Ideas? Thanks Olivier
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