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Posts posted by AnimaliX

  1. Windows 8 RP as Primary OS? a few tips, tweaks and notes

    I decided that Windows 8 RP set as the primary OS, so I can adapt well to the arrival of RTM.

    And because everything like are set by through the "one-click style" commandline, here are a few things in which we W8 differ from W7.

    note: My UAC is disabled by default from Autounattend.xml

    some tips and notes:

    0\ BOOT DIRECTLY INTO DESKTOP :) - this is perhaps the easiest way to boot directly to desktop (note: I don't like utility tweakers)


    works with all editions W8 and probably with RTM also :)

    create file something.scf


    You can put this into "Run" section in registry or simple to "startup" folder

    1\ The first thing that struck me is an instant delete without confirmation (can be set manually, but I do not know whether it is simply through the registry) - really unpleasant thing and it is good to remember to set right after installation

    2\ File associations are due to Metro solved differently than in W7 and the same path in the registry not associated defaults programs and when you first run the file must manually select the program from the list.

    If I understand properly associations are now in section HKEY_USERS\SID and therefore can not be set directly from the registry, because SID is every system install different (I think)

    for example this way not working properly for me any longer

    "Open with" list of programs exists, but MPC must be selected manualy at first start file

    @="\"C:\\Media Player Classic - Home Cinema\\mpc-hc.exe\" \"%1\""
    @="\"C:\\MediaInfo\\MediaInfo.exe\" \"%1\""


    I also tried put association directly into HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT or HKCU\Software\Classes with no result

    note: I do not know it is only Release Preview thing, but in a much larger portion of the registry is to avoid the possibility of modification (can be solved by setting the rights or automatically through SetACL)

    So if you also advises the automated installation and configuration through registers is good at first set Permissions.

    it is possible that I'm wrong in something, and can be solved more easily

    these are the observations of week use


    regarding the configuration of the services I have found only>


    Here I copied only the changed services from Black Viper list

    :Application Management (manual)
    sc config AppMgmt start= disabled
    :Bluetooth Support Service (manual)
    sc config bthserv start= disabled
    :BranchCache (manual)
    sc config PeerDistSvc start= disabled
    :Certificate Propagation (manual)
    sc config CertPropSvc start= disabled
    :Distributed Link Tracking Client (auto)
    sc config TrkWks start= disabled
    :Hyper-V Data Exchange Service (auto)
    sc config vmickvpexchange start= disabled
    :IP Helper (auto)
    sc config iphlpsvc start= disabled
    :Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service (manual)
    sc config MSiSCSI start= disabled
    :Netlogon (manual)
    sc config Netlogon start= disabled
    :Network Access Protection Agent (manual)
    sc config napagent start= disabled
    :Offline Files (auto)
    sc config CscService start= disabled
    :Parental Controls (manual)
    sc config WPCSvc start= disabled
    :Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator (manual)
    sc config RpcLocator start= disabled
    :Remote Registry (manual)
    sc config RemoteRegistry start= disabled
    :Smart Card Removal Policy (manual)
    sc config SCPolicySvc start= disabled
    :SNMP Trap (manual)
    sc config SNMPTRAP start= disabled
    :Storage Service (manual)
    sc config StorSvc start= disabled
    :Windows Biometric Service (manual)
    sc config WbioSrvc start= disabled
    :Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar (manual)
    sc config wcncsvc start= disabled
    :Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (manual)
    sc config WMPNetworkSvc start= disabled
    :Windows Search (auto)
    sc config WSearch start= disabled

    and here is part of my Autounattend.xml

    created in WSIM 6.2.8400

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
    <package action="configure">
    <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package" version="6.2.8400.0" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="" />
    <selection name="Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64" state="false" />
    <selection name="MediaPlayback" state="false" />
    <selection name="Microsoft-Windows-MobilePC-LocationProvider-INF" state="false" />
    <selection name="MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root" state="false" />
    <selection name="MSRDC-Infrastructure" state="false" />
    <selection name="Printing-XPSServices-Features" state="false" />
    <selection name="SearchEngine-Client-Package" state="false" />
    <selection name="WindowsGadgetPlatform" state="false" />
    <selection name="Xps-Foundation-Xps-Viewer" state="false" />
    <selection name="Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions" state="false" />
    <package action="configure">
    <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft-Windows-ProfessionalEdition" version="6.2.8400.0" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="" />
    <selection name="Microsoft-Hyper-V-ClientEdition-Package" state="false" />
    <selection name="Microsoft-Hyper-V-Common-Drivers-Package" state="false" />
    <selection name="Microsoft-Hyper-V-Guest-Integration-Drivers-Package" state="false" />
    <selection name="Microsoft-Hyper-V-Server-Drivers-Package" state="false" />
    <selection name="Microsoft-Windows-Anytime-Upgrade-Package" state="false" />
    <selection name="Microsoft-Windows-Printing-XPSServices-Package" state="false" />


    A. if you not set TimeZone default is Pacific time

    excuse my crazy English :P

  2. yes yes i try before but everytime i get this:


    and part of my Autounattend.xml:

    <MetaData wcm:action="add">

    tested on virtualbox (emulated ide dvdrom) and primary PC (USB flash)

  3. Hi.

    we are currently handling with the following situation

    i have two HDDs ... "C" with OS and "D" with work data and installing Windows 7 from USB flash

    knows someone if it is possible put install.wim on drive "D" and from USB flash load only boot loader?

    ...set path to install.wim in Autounattend.xml or something

    install from HDD is fastest way than usb flash stick

    sorry my english

  4. Windows 7 RC1 (7100) x64:

    One of most differences between vista and 7 is more registry restrictions.

    For example, you can simple add/delete items from desktop contextmenu in ->


    but complete


    is under permissions restriction.

    Knows anybody way how set permissions for registry (NO MANUAL WAY) with commandline or with utilities ?

    i try:





    and some other

  5. this is critical part from my Autounattend.xml ... windows installed correct but drivers arent on system drive

    <Path> is path into folder with inf, sys, cat files directly on DVD

      <settings pass="auditSystem">
    <component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsWinPE" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <PathAndCredentials wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="Network">
    <PathAndCredentials wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="Printer">

  6. The menu.lst must have a wrong entry.

    (fd0) means first floppy disk

    Try editing the menu.lst file and add this entry:

    title Start Windows Vista Installation setroot
    find --set-root /BOOTMGR
    chainloader /BOOTMGR

    Better yet, try this pre-made solution:




    Yes thanx this works.. but... everything is very slow - i mean "Windows loading files..." ... i have fast USB flash with support ReadyBoost

    and after this Vista setup say - Error: Cannot find F:\Sources\Install.wim

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