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About accela

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    Windows 7 x64

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  1. I have tried 3.0.2 (which was the original driver on the cd), 3.0.3 and 3.1.0. I can't find any earlier drivers though. I'm also not sure if it completely removes the driver when uninstalling through add/remove programs. Still, without the external sound card installed and fresh windows 7 installation, latencymon would pick up spikes. I haven't tried using xperf there though but if you want i could shut down, insert the other hard drive with the fresh install and create a .etl file as well. EDIT: Would using latencymon in safe mode report spikes? Seeing as it only loads the barebones drivers? I could try checking that out as well. Thanks for the effort!
  2. Sorry, yeah i wasn't having issues because it was a fresh reboot. My computer has been on and i am experiencing crackling sound at the moment. I might consider getting a copy of windows 8 and see if that helps, but i still think it's hardware related. http://www31.zippyshare.com/v/66911700/file.html Password: MSFN567 Since i'm experiencing the problems on a fresh install with barebone drivers, power management completely off (in BIOS and everything maxed in windows), wouldn't that be likely? I've experimented with different types of graphics cards, standard vga drivers, various amounts of chipset updates, bios update, single hard drive and graphics card only, different slots for the graphics cards.. I'm going to run a memtest for the whole night tonight just to see if that could be it, though unlikely since everything runs perfectly otherwise. It's a long shot but i'm completely out of ideas. I've also tried the integrated sound card and another external sound card, both which caused crackling. It seems to have become "better" after intensive searching for the past few weeks and fiddling around with different settings. I've also tried different usb ports but again, no change. Could fans cause interruptions? it's the only thing i didn't disconnect. I have a powerful PSU and a full tower case with lots of fans.
  3. Hi, i've been having huge spikes and i hope you can help me. I've tried nearly everything (different drivers for everything, clean install without drivers, adding drivers one by one and monitoring latencymon).. And am still having spikes. The most problematic for me is that it causes sound crackling. I've turned off everything that isn't used in BIOS and have tried updating BIOS, no dice.. I was hoping you could have a look Heres the ETL-file: http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/92493041/file.html Password: MSFN567 Thank you!! EDIT: I've tried removing the Graphics Card Drivers but the culprit changes to ATAPORT.sys and USBPORT.sys then. ACPI.sys have also been messing around. also ntoskrnl.exe have reported issues in latencymon. I have also tried having the graphics card in different slots. The only thing connected are my mouse and keyboard. My external sound card have been disconnected and drivers have been removed before. Might it be a faulty motherboard? I have had a stable overclock for the past few years but maybe it's on its way out. Overclock have been removed atm. Like i said, i've tried on a clean install with nothing plugged in except one hard drive, and the spikes are still there.
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