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  1. Hey everyone! This is my first post here, but I've been using MSFN for a while now. Hopefully this will help give a little back to the community. I've been trying to figure this Mappoint 2004 2-CD unattended install thingy for quite some time, and it has just about driven me crazy. I finally got a setup to work so that you could have the entire program in one folder on your unattend DVD, and there are no problems with it needing another disc. (My luck - somebody already posted this and I have missed it somehow in all my searching... but here it goes anyway) Just follow these steps: 1) Copy all of the files and folders from your CD1 to any given directory that you have created. (If possible; use your main/system drive) example: C:\MapPoint2004\ 2) Now copy the MapPoint directory ONLY from CD2 and paste it into the same folder that you put the data from the first CD in. (When it tells you that there is a folder there with the same name and asks if you want to replace any files that are duplicates - just click on Yes To All. No harm done. 3) Open up a Command Prompt (Start, Run, type cmd, then hit enter). Go to this directory: C:\MapPoint2004\MapPoint\MSMap\. (Alter the path to reflect where you copied your files.) 4) Once you are in that directory; this is the command you need to type: msiexec /a data.msi and hit enter. This will start an administrative install. There isn't a whole lot you have to do throughout the process besides clicking next. Just make sure when it asks what directory you want to setup the administrative install to; use a different directory! (If you have more than one drive, use a different one to keep this seperate.) example: D:\MapPointUnattend\ 5) Now you have what you need in the D:\MapPointUnattend\ directory. You can delete the copied files (C:\MapPoint 2004\). Put the D:\MapPointUnattend\ folder into your INSTALL folder with your other 'to be installed' programs. 6) Edit your RunOnceEx.cmd as so: REG ADD %KEY%\150 /VE /D "MapPoint 2004" /f REG ADD %KEY%\150 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\INSTALL\MapPointUnattend\mappoint\MSMap\data.msi /quiet" /f 7) Here is what you will need to add into your registry hack file to make the Data directory read from the installed location. And for bonus points; the other part of the reg entry is to auto accept the EULA and to integrate MapPoint into Microsoft Office. ;This integrates MapPoint 2004 with MSOffice: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MapPoint\11.0] "OfficeIntegration"="1" ;This sets the correct Data location: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MapPoint\11.0\USA] "DataPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft MapPoint\\Data" "InstallTo"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft MapPoint\\" "ConstructionFilePath"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft MapPoint\\Data" "CDLabel"="Geo11NA" "Units"=dword:00000000 ;This skips the EULA on first run: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MapPoint\11.0\USA\Registration] "EULA"=dword:00000000 I know that the way I typed this post makes it look like a lot of work, but it isn't. I just wanted to make it as simple as possible for newbies to keep from getting a ton of How exactly do you do this and that replies. Plus many of you more advanced people here can probably simplify the steps further in a way that I haven't thought of or know how to do. If so, add your ideas. And please let me know how I did on my first entry here at MSFN whether it's good or bad!
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