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  1. That's not my key. It's a key which already was in the winnt.sif(unattended.txt) after integrating service pack2 pl. !!!!!!! And it works !!! ???? (maybe this is a some sort of provocation from M$ ?? ) Hey - mayby this is why [components] section doesn't work (i'll check that ) This leads to my further question : in SP1 I had an entry "ProductID=xxxx-xxxx...." in SP2 it has to be changed to "ProductKey=xxxx-xxxx...." ? wright ?
  2. I moved the [Components] to other place, and still it doesnt work... Maybe there's sth wrong with my winnt.sif???: ;SetupMgrTag [Unattended] Unattendmode=ProvideDefault OemPreinstall=Yes TargetPath= Filesystem=LeaveAlone OemSkipEula=Yes Repartition=No KeyboardLayout="Polski (programisty)" OemPnPDriversPath="Temp\Drivers\001_Sata" Hibernation=No [GuiUnattended] TimeZone=100 EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 [Display] BitsPerPel=16 XResolution=800 YResolution=600 VRefresh=70 [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes ;this one doesn;t work [Components] msnexplr=off pinball=0 freecell=off hearts=off minesweeper=0 solitaire=off spider=off zonegames=off [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=Workgroup [UserData] FullName="Nazwa u┐ytkownika" OrgName="Nazwa organizacji" ComputerName=* ProductKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx ??ProductID=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx?? [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [TapiLocation] CountryCode=48 [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=2 [Shell] CustomDefaultThemeFile = "%WinDir%\Resources\Themes\CoronaH.theme" [Branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes [Proxy] Proxy_Enable=0 Use_Same_Proxy=0 [GuiRunOnce] %systemdrive%\Temp\Install\komendy.cmd Maybe it's all about the UnattendedInstall = Yes syntax which I dont have ?? "The value must always be set to Yes if you preinstall Windows by using the CD Boot method. " - Im not sure what it means. edited out to remove product key!
  3. Could someone tell me why this part of the code in winnt.sif doesn't work for me ? [Components] msmsgs=off msnexplr=off freecell=off hearts=off minesweeper=off pinball=off solitaire=off spider=off zonegames=off I have it in my winnt.sif and I always get pinball, soliteire etc. installed -- why ?
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