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Everything posted by nbartels

  1. Thanks for the reply, I do appreciate it. You are correct, I am network booting. Is there any difference between the pxeboot.0 file from Windows 7 and Windows 2008 Server? Thanks again Nick
  2. I am a new member, but I have been browsing your forum for several years now. I am not at all new to imaging or using WinPE, however I am stumped now... I have found the info about having multiple BCDs (Boot/BCD and Test/BCD) but it all seems to be for WinPE 2.0. I can edit the bootmgr.exe, but when I edit the pxeboot.0 file, I can not find a reference to bootmgr.exe. This causes the machine to use the bootmgr.exe and BCD from the Boot folder instead of my Test folder. Hopefully I am just failing at operating the Google... Thanks in advance! Nick
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