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Everything posted by delukard

  1. Hi guys i have a windows 98se and windows Me retail cd. (legit) on 2004-5 i used to install 98 or me from my disks. But that pc dies and pretty much only used my modern pc. I got a hold of the following hardware Pc chips k7sam rev 3 with an athlon 1ghz and 2x128mb ram(sometimes posts and sometimes it doesn't with different gpu´s) A intel based pentium2 motherboard(it always gives video) vodoo 5 5500 (it gives video all the time on a pentium 2 based mobo) Creative soundblaster live (i also have an audigy 1) I wanted to build my reto pc again, with that hardware, i still have my retail disks BUT seeing a lot of projects i was wondering if someone has made an Iso of any of the projects available. Like containing all the updates and usb drivers My plans are to game on this pc, old windows based shooters and some old crpgs My plan would be to make a dual boot windows 98 o Me, and xp (xp so i can do an emergency browsing to download game updates and such) Hope to hear from any of you and btw Happy holidays
  2. TY guys for the answers. So today i found among my things a Pentium 4 1.3 with an Asus mobo P4T 10gb hdd 4x 64 rdram a soundblaster live ( but i installed an audigy) A gforce 2 gts (didn't worked) so i used a radeon 9250 pci I installed Wme and the radeon drivers , but i cant find the audigy drivers. the ones on creatives site are updated drivers that need the driver form the cd installed. Anyone now where i can find the driver? I'm using firefox 2.0. TBH i'm missing the adblock addon, because those adds sure kill the p4 I also have a p3 900mhz with 129 sdram and was wondering if the p4 would be better IIRC in some things the p3 was better
  3. Ty for the info. i know that those games run fine on xp. I can't install XP, well i can , but there are no drivers for some of my hardware .-Motherboard doesn't have a pci slot (only pci-e) and my asus soundcard, sucks at emulating EAX .- some old games behave bad on a Unified shaders Card like the r9 280 ( on unreal 2 based games enabling bump mapping the games crash like Republic commando) .- On a game like thief 2 Enabling Eax does make a difference when playing it. I have some old hardware on the house, that's why i thought ,maybe i sould put together a w-98 based pc. I don't think i'll play all those games again, (married with children, but i'm not AL Bundy lol) But i do want to play and finish , Broken sword and Blade runer. ( i didn't like broken sword directors cut) TY all for the answers , and sorry aboy my grammar, English is not my main languaje and for some reason Autocorrect isn't working here even when using forefox , weird. What made me do this was the game Dark fall it doesnt run fine on xp.
  4. Hi i want to build a 98-me pc to play the following games. Unreal, HL with expansions, quake 2, heretic 2 , diablo 1 and 2, sacrifice,thief 2, deus ex. My hardware is teh following Pentium 3 900 128mb ram (i could try and find another 120mb) ati 9200 pci ( the motehrabord doesnt have a agp port ) 10gb hdd (all my ide hdd's are defective) Creative soundblaster audigy (no front port) USB mouse and keyboard 250 no brand power supply I have a pentium 4 based with agp port motehrboard but my vodoo 5 can't fit (different agp) I already installed wxp on this pc and it runs fine , but i want to try W98 or Wme Last time i used Wme it was stable enough on a working enviroment and even some light gaming (it was on 2002) so i have no problems with the os. I own a w98 disk and a Wme disk , originals, but they are vanilla. I was wondering if any of you know of a modified version that includes updates and that is stable for some gaming and some light Internet acces? I know the limitations of using old software, and i don't intend to use it as a main pc (i have a modern gaming desktop and a laptop) I want to build this pc to play the games mentioned and also use EAX on them ( to me there is a big difference with games that use EAX) I could try to emulate the os on my main pc, but if i have the way to build a w98-me pc i think is better. TY BTW IIRC w98se doesnt have native usb support correct? and Wme does Am i wrong? Also is OLD APPS.COM safe to use? (i used to use the site a long time ago)
  5. Hi , i'm having problems with installing xp64 I haven't used this OS since 2011 i use w7 x64 mostly after that (i used xp64 since the beta days ) so yesterday i tried to do a dual boot (used to have xp64 and vista-64) and xp installed fine, but then it hanged at some points or gave me bsod. the culprit was my audigy 2 that either the card is damaged or the drivers gave me problem(wasn't using the audigy on w7) so i removed it and re installed again xp64 but this time it hanged at a black screen after installing some updates from windows update. i re installed again(3rd time) and started reading and apparently AVAST makes xp64 hang at a black screen (what happened to me my second time) which BTW on my first install i also had AVAST. So this third time i installed AVG and i also don't have the audigy 2 and so far no black screen and no BSOD. After using the pc for some hours and Some gaming (Morrowind) ON WINDOWS 7 with the same hardware never had a BSOD or a hang screen(didn't used the audigy 2) Here is my question. I have xp64 sp1 disk and the sp2.exe as backup on another hdd. What would be the best way of installing xp64? .-Install xp sp1 .-Install drivers .-Install sp2 .-Access Microsoft update and install everything?(i can't access the site with sp1 only) After installing every update, can someone point me to a tutorial in how to create an image that i can restore in case i need to resintall xp64? it takes a lot of time configuring this OS lol. I want to install xp64 because i started to play some old games that use EAX and also TBH Sound is more immersing in xp than on W7, at least to me. Ty for any advice given here' s my hardware Asus P8H61-MLE Intel I3 2100 Amd hd 7750 Realtek audion (onboard) 3x 2tb hdd (main one is only used for the OS ATM is partitioned for Dual boot) 8gb ddr3 ram
  6. So the good way to install windows is this? Clean install of W98SE + check site of sp2 creator and download fixes,(instead of complete UOSP2? I ask this because i'm getting random freezes when i install something or using the internet(on xp on the same drive i can install anything and even game)
  7. Thanks for all the help. I have read some treads specially the pinned one about software. I have 3 questions. .-is there a software like task manager that tells me the ram,swap,and cpu usage?(the one on the list doe more things than that, like scann for virus, and tbh i prefer an AV to do that) .-I installed the UOSP2, is 98tome recommended to install also? .- and lastly any good games that run only on w98? lol
  8. Hi let me introduce my self. I am a console gamer that started to play pc games in 2005, i have played some games that i liked very much( BG2,GK3,HL,MTW, andMTW2, STALKER SOC best shooter i have played) I'm looking into installing w98se(i have the vanilla 2E disk) My main pc specs are the following, AMD x4 630,4 GB ram,HD 4850,3x500gb sata 2, Audigy 2, and my OS are WXPx86 and W7x64. I want to play some old games that don't run on xp and if they run they give problems. My main goal is to build a dual boot 98se and xp with the following parts trying to keep a low power consumption CPU'S P4 2.0, P3 900mhz,Celeron 1.7,Duron 900mhz .-For the p4 and the celeron i have a Motherboard that have agp4x And i have a gforce 4 ti 4400 128mb, a Vodoo 5 5500 128mb and a ati 9600xt 128mb .-For the duron and the P3 i have a Pci only motherboard , but i have a Ati 9250. .-For a sound card i have a CREATIVE AUDIGY . So here are the questions What build would you recommend for the following games considering a dual boot xp and 98se .-Onmikron, System shock 2, Deus ex 1 and Deus ex IW,Unreal gold,Faust,Wheel of time,Sacred) And the most important question is After installing W98SE .-install Unofficial sp2?(where's SP1?) .-Install official drivers from creative for the Audigy? .-Whats the most stable Browser (Firefox ?) Thanks for the help!!! Edit , i can't find the audigy platinum drivers for W98SE can someone help me please?
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