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Everything posted by loft

  1. LLXX thanks for your answer but I was talking about the multimedia buttons. I know how to set the volume from the Mixer but it's easyer form the multimedia buttons.
  2. After my 6 yo keyboard died in the line of duty I've got a new one with multimedia buttons. After a few hours I've noticed (Girder displays an OSD on volume changes) that the volume is changed (by the appropriate multimedia buttons) in steps of 4 percent each which, in some situations. is too much. I think steps of 2% each would be better. But how to change that? I think is a setting of HID service or something. But I couldn't find it anywhere. And another thing is that those steps are between fixed values. It doesn't metter that I've set the volume (from the mixer panel) at 37%, if I'm increasing it from the keyboart the next value will be 40 and so on, in steps of 4%. Any idea how to change that step value? I don't want to give up on HID and start configuring Girder do work with the multimedia buttuns. Thank you!
  3. No! It is that screen where you can create up to 5 users. Before the first logon. I want it to appear but it doesn't.
  4. How can I make WinXP to show me at the end of the instalation the screen where I crate users (and the "C:\Documents and Setting\user" directory). Now it automaticly creates the Admin user (and its set of settings). Thanks! P.S. That's my sif: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" AutomaticUpdates=1 AutoPartition=0 [unattended] FileSystem=* UnattendMode=DefaultHide OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes UnattendSwitch="Yes" NoWaitAfterTextMode=1 NoWaitAfterGUIMode=1 DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore WaitForReboot=No [GuiUnattended] EncryptedAdminPassword=NO TimeZone=115 OEMSkipRegional=1 OEMSkipWelcome=1 [userData] ProductKey=***** FullName="" OrgName="" [Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1024 YResolution=768 [TapiLocation] CountryCode=40 Dialing=Pulse AreaCode=265 [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=8 [identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Components] msmsgs=off msnexplr=off Media_clips=off Mousepoint=off [WindowsFirewall] Profiles=WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall [WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall] Mode=0 [uninstall] EnableBackup=No [branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes
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