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Everything posted by Dessip

  1. Hello, MGadAllah, ok thats excellent thank you, and thanks you for your help, it was greatly appreciated, and needed. Update on what i have done, i got the new wpa.dbl file that was 16Kb but still that did not help me, i formatted the HDD, and installed the unattended, (now everything is working fine, except the activation, and for some reason it dont like resetting after the final runonceex but thats a small glitch that should be easy enought). But yet still it says 30 days left. And here is the lay out of my disk: %CDROM% | |------$OEM$ | | | |-------$1------... | | | |-------$$ | | | |------System32 | | | | | |------WPA.DBL - 16kb | | ~ ~ And also my WinNT.sif file has AutoActivate = Yes in it. So i am out of options, thou i am going to try one last time with AutoActivate = No and see. Regards Chris
  2. Hey MGadAllah thank you for you help. I set the autoactivate to yes, and i still got the same problem, but i think the problem was with me activating it via telephone, because i have re-activated it now via the internet and the WPA.DBL file is now 16KB's not 3KB which it was before so i think that it is fine now But ifs possible would you be able to confirm estimatly what size your file is, if you are running windows XP Home. Because i am thinknig that most WPA files are going to be estimatly the same size, i dont want you to give me your file, because a) it wouldnt work, and B) it would be piracy, but im guessing that most WPA files are going to be the same, and if mine is the same, then i know its correct. I am very sorry if that offended any one, but i am not here to try and "steal" windows XP If you wish not to give me the size, then could you please confirm with a yes or no if your file is est 16KB. Yet agian thank you for your help. Chris
  3. Hey, Yes it done, but it says [Unattended] AutoActivate = No i could remove that and see if it works, i shall get back to you later once i have tried. Thank you Chris
  4. Hey, Situation: I have followed the instructions here: http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/29/#backup I have tried installing the Cd, and everything almost works fine (a few driver issues, but they shall be sorted soon) and when it comes to logging on i get a message saying You must activate your copy of windows, before you can log on, with a yes no box, and if you click no it logs your off, if you click yes it brings up the windows activation window. I am using the WPA.DBL from the same laptop, when it was activated, so i was wondering what is going on, because i am at a loss, i have tried it twice, and each time i get the same error and i am very confused as to what is happening, was i meant to copy any more files, or was it just the WPA.DBL file that should have been copied to the directory. I have checked the internet, but didn't find much, thou i found a few sites that said i should have copied 2 files across. But i just wanted to make sure, because i am going to have to activate windows again, and because of HW changes (I have recently changed the HDD, Ram, and upgraded the BIOS which is the reason i want to format, and would like to format so its fresh) it means that i am going to have to ring MS up and get them to activate it because of hard ware changes, which is not a issue, because i had to do that last time. But its just easier if i don't do that, and also i don't wish to do that, and then find that there is a error of what i am doing, and have to ring them 3 or 4 time, before it works. Thank you for any help. Regards Chris
  5. Hey there, just wonder with out useing tweak UI how do i get it so that all of the program files, documents and settings, and regestry are moved to a different partition, so i have got c:/ as my main OS and then everything i have instealled after it will still work, and i wont need to install all of my programs again (and that also includes all the files that gets dumped in teh system 32 folder as well) So the only thing on the C:/ is what gets installed when you install your os. Thanks in advance Dessip
  6. Hey i just found this information about visual studio 6 silent install i thought it Would Be Useful. http://support.microsoft.com/?id=195828 Dessip
  7. Hey i am trying to get a command in VB that allows me to copy a actual folder from one place to another, but VB 6 only supports FileCopy which copys a file from one location toanother, i have thought about it useing Shell XCOPY, but the problem is if i do that then i am gonig to need it to report back that it has done so the code can continue to run, Also i dont want to use and Refrences, i would rather use API but i dont know a API call for that only for CopyFile, but i have even tryed FileCopy C:\blah\*.* C:\blah2\*.* but it only copied the files that was in the root of blah folder. Thanks In Advance Dessip
  8. Really Simple i took the .exe and the .dll files that it uses and placed them in a zip file, nuthink really ard, i just got annoyed that i had to dl 11MB on a 56K, and i thought that other people ould have as well, so i done that. But it is still © Microsoft
  9. Hey i have modifyed Office UNattended install, so that its only 249K not 11MB so if you wish to have a copy then PM me, and ill send it to u. Dessip
  10. Hey also jdoe i was being dumb when i wrote that post, the simple answer to that is all i need to do is put: start "Copy /y Destination, Source" That way it will copy it for me. Thanks
  11. Hey i have alreay dont it, jsut adding the finaly touches to it now. Then got to test it, Also i would rather Use API then Objects, as i know that API id deffonatly gonig to be installed when i run the EXE. Also i have done the application switch, it was not that hard, just didnt reaklise that i actually knew what i needed to do, Just got to modify it abit. But thank you foryour help Dessip
  12. Ohhk, well im doing it in VB a nice easy language, and winXP has support for VB6 runtimes. so ill jsut get it to look for the I386 folder and if its there then make that the cd drive. Thanks Dessip
  13. Hey atm i am creating a cd change so that the user inputs the amunt of cds install that he has, then it will copy all of the files over, and then ask for the next cd, But i was wondering if there is a variable for the current CD Rom drive, as i know that here is %Systemdrive% for the local HDD/HDD partition that the OS was installed to, but im not sure waht the command is for the CD Drive (If there is even one), Or if there isnt then with out useing the IF C:/blah.txt exist then CDROM = C:/ anf having loads of them in your program that will make it look untidy, is there anyother way that anyone can think of. Also does anyone know in VB if there is away to put a application switch in, so if the user puts /1 it will think that there is only 1 CD to install (I will release it once i have finnished) Thanks Dessip
  14. Hey, A silent switch is used so it tells the program not to accept any input from the user, where as with out the switch (/S, /QN, etc) it will ask you to input details like where do you wish to store the inforamtion, Most installs have a common switch Like MSI = /QN, but there us a usefull guide here: http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/applications.htm When you get there just use the menu at the top and then select application, and ull see a list of common applications, as well as common install packages at the bottom, But also at the top of the thread is MY Switches, i do recommend checking that out as it normally helps most thigs out. Dessip
  15. Yeh iv been resorting back to the site quiet abit, I think the site is Very Useful Deffo a nice layout not hard to access anything, and everything is where i needed it. Glad that i found it. Thanks Dessip
  16. Thanks, now it means that i dont have to use the way that is mentioned on the site, i want to make this install disk to install so i dont have to do anything.
  17. Hey i have got a .ins file for installing my internet connection setting, but the problem is i could not find a silent install switch so i was wonderingif anyone would help me get one. I heave already searched the forum with the same search string that i have named my post with but i didnt find anything that i could use. Thanks Dessip
  18. Ohk thanks, i thought that they ment that you have got to change actuall text box ohh well we can all be dumb at times. Dessip
  19. Check this guide out: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=21340 im sure ul understand it!!!
  20. i cant see a problem, but try putting " " arround ur program paths, also i find that the runonceex is alot more friendly looking, so y not try that method.
  21. You could always try running a online virus scan, i know that panda inline virus scan was a good online scanner. Then if they pop up wit it, try another scanner if that pops up with it then u probbally have had a virus thatwrite itself to other files.
  22. Hey, I have got a problem, i was trying to put Office XP on to my cd, but when i try and change the TRANSFORM it is not letting me, as if the Text box is locked, This is what it states in the lower of the 3rd step in the guide I am going to include my MST file, with any hope that some one else will be able to change it for me, or provide me with help Thanks for any help Dessip
  23. Thanks, Just testing it all out now
  24. OK thanks, Ill look in to them all now
  25. Hey, Does any one know the switches for the hotfixs:816093, KB842773, KB831240, KB873374. They are: 816093 Security Update Microsoft Virtual Machine.exe Update for Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) 2.0 and WinHTTP 5.1 (KB842773).exe Update for Windows XP HighMAT Support in CD Writing Wizard (KB831240).exe Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool (KB873374).exe of if u know how to get the svcpack.inf way working then that would be appriciated. Thanks in advance Dessip
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