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Posts posted by cluberti

  1. Try setting the following reg values:

    Key: HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/TerminalServer/WinStations/RDP-TCP

    Value: MinEncryptionLevel

    Radix: Hex

    Data: 0

    Key: HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/TerminalServer/WinStations/RDP-TCP

    Value: MaxConnectionTime

    Radix: Hex

    Data: 0

    If the above doesn't work, simply delete and re-create your RDP connection in Terminal Services Manager.

  2. The NTFS file system isn't failsafe, and it sounds like you've gone past the point of no return. You could probably spend the next week or two chasing down the root of the issue (that's if you can even fix it when you find it), or you can backup and rebuild your machine in a day or two. I'd go with the second option, but if you want to track it down for research purposes, that's up to you :).

  3. 1. Create a folder on C: called Iprange (or whatever, just modify the script if you use a different folder)

    2. Create a file in the iprange folder called source.txt

    3. On the first line of the source.txt file, place the IP range you'd like to scan, like so: 192.168.0.

    Run the following script:

    '*** Begin Script ***

    on error resume next

    Function Pingable(strHost)
    Dim objExec, objRE
    set objshell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
    blnPingable = "False" 'assume failure
    Set objExec = objShell.Exec("cmd /C ping -a -n 2 " & strHost)
    string1 = objExec.StdOut.ReadAll
    if instr(1,string1,"TTL=",1) >0 then
    Pingable = True
    pingable =false
    end if
    if pingable =True then
    Chaine = "Pinging "
    Chaine2 = "["
    ValueSearch = InStr(1,string1,Chaine,1)
    ValueSearch2 = InStr(valuesearch,string1,Chaine2,1)
    If ValueSearch>=1 and ValueSearch2>1 Then
    y= mid(string1,ValueSearch,(ValueSearch2-ValueSearch))
    End If
    pingable = replace(y,"Pinging ","")
    pingable = replace(pingable," ","")
    if pingable =false or pingable="" then
    pingable ="False"
    end if
    end if
    Set objExec = Nothing
    Set objRE = Nothing

    End Function

    Set iFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesyStemObject")
    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesyStemObject")
    InputFile ="c:\IpRange\Source.txt"

    Set ofile = ofso.createTextFile(OutputFile, True)
    Set ifile = iFSO.OpenTextFile(inputfile)

    Do until ifile.AtEndOfLine
    ip = ifile.ReadLine
    ofile.writeline "*************************************************"
    ofile.writeline "Scan network for ip range : " & ip & " Started"
    ofile.writeline now()


    For i = 1 to 254
    x= x + cstr(i)

    servername = pingable(x)
    if servername<>"False" then
    ofile.writeline "________________________________________________"
    ofile.writeline "Machine= " & servername & ": IP Address= " & x
    ofile.writeline "________________________________________________"
    ofile.writeline "machine:" & x & " Not Pingable"
    end if


    ofile.writeline "Scan network for ip range : " & ip &" COmpleted"
    ofile.writeline now()
    ofile.writeline "*************************************************"


    '*** EOF ***

    This will dump all output to a file in the Iprange folder called IpRangeLog.txt. Do whatever you want with that data :).

  4. I've had issues slipstreaming the .net framework in the past, and have given up on slipstreaming this package altogether due to the headaches it can cause if the install doesn't go well. I've resorted to installing this in a script that runs from the [setupParams] section of winnt.sif (T-9), using the following switches to install the .Net Framework 1.1, SP1, and the post-SP1 hotfix:

    %sourcepath%unattend\dotnetfx\dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:"install /l /q"

    %sourcepath%unattend\dotnetfx\867460.exe /q

    %sourcepath%unattend\dotnetfx\886903.exe /q

    Note that the files are in the \Unattend folder at the root of my install CD, or at the root of my RIS install source and these work 100% of the time.

  5. Hard-code your DNS entries on your VM's, and that way you could set the DNS information you need without getting the data from the router (which ICS does pass along, unfortunately in this case). You might want your internal gateway server to use the DNS server or servers that the router passed out as forwarders, however.

  6. To be honest, negative ping errors are 99.9% of the time network driver or network speed autodetection issues. I would suggest either a ) upgrading your network drivers, or b ) changing the link autonegotiation for your servers so that you force the connection to a specific speed and specific duplex in the properties of your network card in Device Manager.

    I'd also suggest you do both a and b, but doing one or the other may help on their own.

  7. I've since moved on from using Sysprep and use RIS entirely, but I used to do this exact same thing by replacing the HAL.DLL file before Sysprep ran after imaging the machine.

    I used a small 7MB partition as the C: drive (FAT), with Windows installed on the D: partition (4GB FAT32) that was sysprepped. The C: partition included ALL of the hal.dll drivers, and when this partition was booted, a boot menu would provide the admin the ability to choose the machine that the image was being applied to. It would then copy the appropriate hal.dll file from the C: drive to the D: drive, mark the D: drive as active, hide the C: drive (both done using GDISK), and reboot. The Windows partition would then be booted into with the appropriate HAL, and it worked just fine.

    To make this work, I would hide the C: partition using PartitionMagic, install Windows 2000 or XP to the 4GB FAT32 partition (which Windows saw as C:, since the 7MB partition was hidden), and then after I had everything the way that I needed it to be, the machine would be sysprep'ed and told to convert to NTFS on the next boot. I'd unhide the C: partition and mark it active using PartitionMagic, then I'd image the drive via Ghost.

    If you want me to send you a compressed version of my C: drive (minus the DOS boot files, which you'll need to add from a DOS boot disk via "sys c:"), PM me with your email address and I'll .zip or .rar the files and email them or FTP them to you to look at.

  8. More than likely, it's the ISP providing the internet line to your Gateway server site hosting the FTP site that is blocking port 21. Consider changing the FTP port that the FTP server is using and see if your FTP transfer works on that different port - it should.

  9. Do everything in the virtual machine, including installing/running WinInstall LE. It's a pretty simple program - you launch WinInstall, start the application capture, install the application, and then stop the capture in WinInstall LE. After making some minor cosmetic tweaks to your app, WinInstall LE will create the .msi package for you, and you should be set. Make sure to test the .msi in a different virtual machine, though, before using it on a real PC. There are some applications out there that just don't install properly once they've been captured.

  10. What applications did you install? Explorer.exe does allow third-party code to run in it's process, so seeing what is running within explorer.exe would help in determining what thread exactly is in a WAIT state (which would cause the mouse icon to go to an hourglass). If you download/unzip Process Explorer from www.sysinternals.com, reboot, then run process explorer from the task manager the next time you reboot and the system hangs, you should be able to go into the details of the explorer.exe process and see what thread or application running in that process is hung.

  11. The DU only checks when you've got network access during the setup process - meaning that unless you run winnt32.exe or setup.exe to upgrade Windows from within another running version of Windows, DU is not run and this setting is not needed.

    The only time you'd see DU run during an unattended clean setup is if you install the recovery console - but the /dudisable switch when installing the console (winnt32 /cmdcons /unattend /dudisable) will disable that update check as well.

  12. You will probably need to get a network trace from a client machine with something like netmon or ethereal to see exactly what is going on. It could be any number of things, but a network trace of the failure (and possibly a network trace of the success from the server) would shed some more light on what exactly is happening to the packets during the transfer.

  13. Again, if the problem exists only when clients are accessing things on the internet, what DNS server(s) are your clients using when logged onto the domain?

    Here's a quick test - remove one of the "slow" machines from your domain and access the same information on the internet. Does the machine perform faster, or is the performance the same? Let me know and we'll go from here (you can PM or email me offline if it's faster).

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