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Everything posted by Weasel

  1. Hi jaclaz, first of all thanks for your reply. Sorry, my bad. Yes, it's a "0165" from USBest No, it's not a Diesel. It's just a plain ATV without any additional names, which is rubberized and painted in blue and orange I tried all of them, but none is working with "0165" Yep, got the working mptool from flashboot That's a pity. Do you know any other place on the net where someone might be able to help me? Weasel
  2. Hi, I recently bought an OCZ ATV 16GB (VID 1307/PID 165) flash drive for my sister which was left crippled after a failed formating attempt with OCZ's Memorybar tool. It was no longer recognized as OCZ ATV by mptool or any other tool I used and even the serial number was gone. When pluged in to a pc (windows XP) and selected, windows explorer asked me every time to format the drive. That doesn't worked at all, the formating process always failed to conclued and the stick even made my machine freeze most of the times. So I took my chances and used mptool to reset the drive. Unfortunately I couldn't find a config file for this particular drive (as offered from OCZ for some of the other PID's) and therefore I left the settings untouched. By doing so I was able to bring the drive back to live fully functioning but of course it is now lacking the specific branding. Well, since it was me who messed up the stick in the beginning and my sister is going to kill me if I don't bring it back to it's former self I would like to ask you guys if someone knows a place where I can get OCZ's original mptools settings for this PID from? I already contacted OCZ but they only offer to RMA the pen drive. But that would cost almost 2/3 of the price I paid for the stick, making it not really an option.
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