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  1. i have created Inf folder and i have put the inf file FASTTRAK.INF under $OEM$\$$\Inf\ still the problem occured does there are any missing Anyone could help
  2. thankyou all you guys i have succed to avoid pressing F6 to install Raid drivers for my win2k unattend install, but there is a problem occured after install win2000 successfully,and first boot to enter windows2000 message was received "inaccessible_boot_device" what is probably wrong p.s. i copied fasttrak.sy_ under folder I386 i have not copied fasttrak.sys under folder I386
  3. I have not add any line in dosnet.inf should i add the file name to be copied in dosnet.inf
  4. hello, everybody, i am new in unattended installation message was received "fasttrak.sys could be found", while i am trying windows2000 professional unattended install my raid card is Promise FastTrak100 Controller and i have followed the instruction on the webGreenMachine Below is what i have done i copy FASTTRAK FASTTRAK.CAT FASTTRAK.INF and FASTTRAK.SYS under $OEM$\$1\DRIVERS\001\promise\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is the content of my unattend.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes TargetPath=WINNT DriverSigningPolicy="Ignore" OemPnPDriversPath="DRIVERS\001\promise" [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=210 OemSkipWelcome=1 AutoLogon="Yes" ProductID=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX [userData] FullName="Frank" OrgName="okio" ComputerName=itok [identification] JoinWorkgroup=WANWAN [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and i have copy the following code to txtsetup.sif [sourceDisksFiles] fasttrak.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4 [HardwareIdsDatabase] PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_4D30&SUBSYS_4D32105A = "fasttrak" PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_4D30&SUBSYS_4D39105A = "fasttrak" PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_4D33&SUBSYS_4D33105A = "fasttrak" PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_4D38&SUBSYS_4D39105A = "fasttrak" PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_6268 = "fasttrak" PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_6269 = "fasttrak" [sCSI.load] fasttrak = fasttrak.sys,4 [sCSI] fasttrak = "Promise FastTrak/66/100/TX2/TX4/TX2000 Controller" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone have clue what's going wrong? thank you very much for your helps
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