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Everything posted by MetaIIica

  1. oh my goodness this is a holy s*** with the Hexeditor *lol* I have just for fun looked the setupdd.sys (have be expand before) and i see lots of Crypt and not who i can do what..... hmmmmmm
  2. Hi, i have build a USB-Stick with WinXP and other and all works fine, but I have a little Problem with boot.ini. I have a PC who have no Support to boot from USB but i use the PLPBT-Driver via Kickstart-CD so i can boot from USB and start the first and second Part of Installation of XP. Works perfektly. Now my Idea is following: I want reinstall Grub and the plpbt-Driver with the first part of Textmode-Installation automatically. I must only copy grldr, menu.lst, plpbt.bin to C: and a modificated boot.ini with C:\grldr="Start GRUB4DOS" too so i dont need the Kickstart-CD and bevor the GUI-Mode Installation begins i can load the Driver from Harddisk. Witch file generate the boot.ini in the first part of Installation? Hope anybody can help me
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