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Everything posted by neo0703

  1. Setting Up New Office Hiii to all, I have sum problem relates to server , my hardware my network , my internet connection. This is Neo. I have a office with a Core 2 Duo Server ( Windows Server 2003 Enterprise ) and 10 Computers connected to it and a 2 MBPS Connection. Now i bought an office about 45 Kms away from my current location, now i wanna setup hardware and 2 server at both end, also i have a software which will run on both server and will update on both server automatically, this application receives and transmits 2 Mb pics to every computer on network n i want the servers to be connected flawlessly, thee both server will be the print server and file server both the speed of transmission and speed of processing should be enough as i have got walk-in clients. Now i need a solution to all of my problem as m not very techy guy or sumthng very knowledgeable on IT but i researched n studied a litle. From wat i researched and found that it is good to have 1 - 1 server at both of my office and a good internet connection like MPLS or sum other very good connecting technology .. and also can i use the both server as domain controller or can i make them domain controller and can i install DNS on same server? so please help me in selecting good servers and a good connecting technology ...... also its a small business so cost is one important factor. I hope i'll get help here at MSFN.
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