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Everything posted by Exeter212

  1. Kicking myself in the face for not noticing that!! I figured a fresh set of skilled eyes would spot what I failed to notice. Working like a charm now. Many thanx DJPro, you nailed that one!
  2. Thx DJPro I just checked my script entry and that seems to be what I'm using now. prog[pn]=['Malwarebytes\' Anti-Malware']; ordr[pn]=[24]; desc[pn]=['Malwarebytes\' Anti-Malware']; uid[pn]=['MBAM']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['no']; configs[pn]=['Interactive,Full']; gcond[pn]=['FileExists(\\"%programfiles%\\Malwarebytes\' Anti-Malware\\MBAM.EXE\")']; cmd1[pn]=['"%wpipath%\\Install\\MBAM-SETUP.exe"']; picf[pn]=['MBAM.JPG']; picw[pn]=['600']; pich[pn]=['500']; textl[pn]=['Top']; pn++; The delimiting \ seems to work everywhere else EXCEPT the gcond statement, must be some unique parsing that goes on during this check perhaps? If I rename the installed folder to discard the ' everything works fine.
  3. Hello, Wanted to say what a great program this has been for me. I seem to be having a small issue with regards to syntax. I'm trying to do a gcond check for Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and I'm not sure how to enter the string value to check for. --------------------------------------- Error in condition statement for; Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware FileExists(\"%programfiles%\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\MBAM.EXE") Treating as a false condition --------------------------------------- The above error is what I get, no mater what syntax I use, I just cant get it to like that little ' after the s. Does anyone know the magic code to accomplish this?
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