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Everything posted by hadnow

  1. Thanks for your response. Yes if I just connect the disk without accessing it... it shows up online longer The Seatools reports a temperature around 75-80 I think I saw this somewhere... Will try the other options Thanks
  2. I have a Seagate Barracuda 7200.8 IDE HDD. The issue is that the HDD is visible for around 5-10 minutes and then suddenly disappears. What might be the issue that is causing this problem. I tried adding the HDD to another system and even tried in an external casing and in all its the same issue. I even ran Seatools for DOS via the boot up disk but that too the same problem occurs after a few minutes the HDD is not detected and hence stops scanning. Thanks in advance for all the answers / help
  3. Ok finally got SeDiv to work and if anyone could suggest what this means - I got the results from SeDiv commands F>GALAXY - 1_Disk S-6D 09-22-06_15:48 Built for GALAXY,PITKIN/YUMA,REDBACK,InternalSpin,MCKINLEY_DT_ST,OneToOne,3Disk,220 Servos,7200RPM,8Pole,133MHz,MOR_ON F> S2 S1 S0 = 0 0 1 F>Pgm=00 Trk=000155CE(000155CE[000000]).0(0).1AA(1AA) Zn=FF Err=FF ErCt=0000 Hlth=0000 CHlth=0000 Ntrdy LBA=00000000 F>Reset 4096k x 16 DRAM GALAXY - 1_Disk S-6D 09-22-06_15:48 cmd 10, params FFFF 007F 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Spin Motor Locked Index found - Spin Held - Spin Motor Locked Index found - Spin Held -ERR Read Boot Ada thanks once again for the support till now.
  4. Hi I have Windows automatic updates turned off, yet MSE updates automatically, hence that is not an issue Which is the overall best performing package for AV + Internet Security - I have narrowed down on Kaspersky, Avira and Avast - I am looking at one which could support root cleaning meaning CD based / DOS based cleaning. This is really useful incase you cannot boot into Windows for any reason where in a Virus is involved.
  5. I also tried using SeDiv but as soon as I start - I get this error screen Could anyone throw some light as to why the error occurs. I tried on a couple of systems same error. First time it runs but as soon as I click Search devices, I get this error... and then on that system never able to rerun the program.
  6. Ok... searching through the net I found this article which simply went over my head http://www.datarecoverystory.com/2009/07/data-recovery-from-f-level/ But I did try the commands and these are the results... if anyone can take it forward from here F>y PhysCyl GrayCyl 1st Sys Cyl 000155AA 00016FBD 1st 0 Offset Cyl 000155B4 00016FC7 1st App Code Cyl 000155C0 00016FD3 2nd App Code Cyl 000155C2 00016FD5 2nd 0 Offset Cyl 000155CE 00016FE1 3rd App Code Cyl 000155DA 00016FED 4th App Code Cyl 000155DC 00016FEF Last System Cyl 000185CF 00019FE2 F>Y EP=1, TA=1, HiGain=1, OTRd=1, Early Rd=1, Splash=1, Reload=1, NPML=1, MRBias=1 Bst/Zap=1, SrvoThrsh=1, RunOut=1, MaxECC=1, ECC 2=1, ECC 1=1, ECC 0=1 Data=FF, Write=80, ID=FF F>s50E,0,22 Code - FE Track 155CE.0.1AA Sns 1AA F>r,0,238 Code - FE Track 155CE.0.1AA Sns 1AA Thanks
  7. Hi, None of the terminal codes work which we used while un-bricking the 7200.11. Further, I read a couple of posts where they say the prompt should be T> including this post - http://www.msfn.org/board/seagate-7200-10-hdds-fix-bsy-state-too-t133604.html Any idea how I could get that prompt? After that I could try the commands mentioned in the above post. Only the following commands worked and the results F>y PhysCyl GrayCyl 1st Sys Cyl 000155AA 00016FBD 1st 0 Offset Cyl 000155B4 00016FC7 1st App Code Cyl 000155C0 00016FD3 2nd App Code Cyl 000155C2 00016FD5 2nd 0 Offset Cyl 000155CE 00016FE1 3rd App Code Cyl 000155DA 00016FED 4th App Code Cyl 000155DC 00016FEF Last System Cyl 000185CF 00019FE2 F>Y EP=1, TA=1, HiGain=1, OTRd=1, Early Rd=1, Splash=1, Reload=1, NPML=1, MRBias=1 Bst/Zap=1, SrvoThrsh=1, RunOut=1, MaxECC=1, ECC 2=1, ECC 1=1, ECC 0=1 Data=FF, Write=80, ID=FF F>R Spin Motor Locked Index found - Spin Held - Spin Motor Locked Index found - Spin Held - Spin Motor Locked Index found - Spin Held - Spin Motor Locked Index found - Spin Held - Code - FF Track 155DC.0.01E Sns 01E
  8. Ok...now I have tried these commands and these are the results... if any one could help after this... F>Y EP=1, TA=1, HiGain=1, OTRd=1, Early Rd=1, Splash=1, Reload=1, NPML=1, MRBias=1 Bst/Zap=1, SrvoThrsh=1, RunOut=1, MaxECC=1, ECC 2=1, ECC 1=1, ECC 0=1 Data=FF, Write=80, ID=FF F>y PhysCyl GrayCyl 1st Sys Cyl 000155AA 00016FBD 1st 0 Offset Cyl 000155B4 00016FC7 1st App Code Cyl 000155C0 00016FD3 2nd App Code Cyl 000155C2 00016FD5 2nd 0 Offset Cyl 000155CE 00016FE1 3rd App Code Cyl 000155DA 00016FED 4th App Code Cyl 000155DC 00016FEF Last System Cyl 000185CF 00019FE2 F> Preamp ID 00 unsupported Reset 4096k x 16 DRAM Thanks
  9. Thanks for your response for both my posts. I did the steps that you mentioned and on pressing CTRL Z - I get a prompt F> So after I get the prompt, what would be the steps to follow after this command. Thanks in advance for the help.
  10. I posted this within the 7200.11 problem but I feel that its a different topic hence started this topic. After all your suggestions was successful in getting the 7200.11 out of the BSY state. A big thank you to all who helped out. I followed the step by step procedure at - http://sites.google....ite/seagatefix/ Now I recalled that I had a couple of other drives which had similar problems where in the drive spins power ons, but is not detected in the BIOS. A problem similar to the BSY in the 7200.11 series drives. I have a 160GB & 320GB SATA and 80GB & 250GB IDE drives all from the 7200.10 series. They spin fine but are not detected by the BIOS. Any DIY Fix in this regard via which I could try and fix these drives like the DIY Fix for the 7200.11? Seems almost similar to the issue faced in the 7200.11 but these are 7200.10 disks and putting a plastic between the PCB and Head the drive does not spin. So am I missing on something. And I think the terminal commands may be different. I found a post http://www.msfn.org/...oo-t133604.html but if I place a plastic between the Head & PCB the HDD does not spin. But if I remove the plastic the head does spin, but nothing comes up in the terminal window. Hence is there more to it than what I am doing? Thanks in advance for all the help.
  11. After all your suggestions was successful in getting the 7200.11 out of the BSY state. A big thank you to all who helped out. I followed the step by step procedure at - http://sites.google.com/site/seagatefix/ Now I recalled that I had a couple of other drives which had similar problems where in the drive spins power ons, but is not detected in the BIOS. A problem similar to the BSY in the 7200.11 series drives. I have a 160GB & 320GB SATA and 80GB & 250GB IDE drives all from the 7200.10 series. They spin fine but are not detected by the bios. Any DIY Fix in this regard via which I could try and fix these drives like the DIY Fix for the 7200.11? Seems almost similar to the issue faced in the 7200.11 but these are 7200.10 disks and putting a plastic between the PCB and Head the drive does not spin. So am I missing on something. And I think the terminal commands may be different. I found a post http://www.msfn.org/board/seagate-7200-10-hdds-fix-bsy-state-too-t133604.html but if I place a plastic between the Head & PCB the HDD does not spin. But if I remove the plastic the head does spin, but nothing comes up in the terminal window. Hence is there more to it than what I am doing? Thanks in advance for all the help.
  12. Extremely grateful to all the posts in the forum. I managed to recover my bricked 7200.11 successfully using this method - http://sites.google.com/site/seagatefix/
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