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Posts posted by JoaoVr

  1. Have you disabled or removed some services?

    I only used the Features Removal tab.

    Services I removed:

    BitLocker Drive Encryption Service

    Disk Defragmenter

    Offline Files

    Parental Controls

    Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support

    Program Compatibility Assistant Service

    Protected Storage

    Remove Access Auto Connection Manager

    Remove Access Connection Manager

    Remote Desktop Configuration

    Remote Desktop Services

    Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector

    Remote Registry

    Windows Backup

    Windows Biometric Service

    Windows Card Space

    Windows Defender

    Windows Error Reporting

  2. Can you install the driver manually via the inf in the device manager?

    Oh, yes I can. Thank you! Maybe nuhi can add a warning on vLite.



    I cant use Lan/Internet on Vmware too :/

  3. Hi

    Does vLite removes MSOERT2.dll?

    When i use the regular Windows Live Messenger 8.5 it works normaly, if I use the brand new 9.0 i got a error saying i miss that file.


  4. It's some language, doesn't matter unless you really care I can check or you google it, BUT there is better solution.

    In the Protect Files option (lower toolbar in the Components page) enter this:


    And vLite will keep that file next time.

    In next version you can select Compatibility-Applications-Perfect World Client.

    Thanks for reporting this.

    Thank you for all your help :D

  5. JoaoVr, for the text is the file C:\Windows\System32\C_936.NLS

    you can extract it from full Vista with 7zip (sources\install.wim)

    Let me know if that fixes anything.

    Man, it Worked! Both my problems! Wich part i dont remove on vlite?

  6. Hi Guys,

    Perfect World is a MMORPG that is giving me some trouble with vLite. It simply doesn't work with my vLite configuration(Attachments).

    I tried to use my config without removing all the Network, Services and System components separately but it still doesn't work.

    With the vLited vista i got:

    ->Blank Announcement


    ->Cant Login


    With a full vista all works:





    (Both vistas I tested are brand new format without any program)

    With Vista (And my slow PC) its hard to test all configs.

    Please help me


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