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Posts posted by fjorger

  1. 4 hours ago, jaclaz said:

    It is well possible that the copy/paste (or even the original on MSFN due to a number of board software updates) is no good.

    Read this:


    Thanks Jaclaz,

    I noticed that myself two hours ago, by analyzing WINRAR installation package "that doesn't show" using HEX view and comparing it to a normal SFX.

    And yes, it does not show on the comment (like you said this post it too old and a lot of board software updates happened for sure).

    Again, thank you very much for the prompt reply.


  2. On 11/7/2012 at 11:53 PM, HJSC said:

    sixpack taught how to hide the commands. Here's his comment - just copy and paste the code you will see that it works.

    Hi HJSC, hi sixpack, hi behdadsoft,

    This is still eluding me.

    It must be quite simple, but I already tried to copy/past and it doesn't work (at least on the latest Winrar).

    Anyone had any luck? What type of special char should be added to the comment file? 

    Thanks in advance.


  3. Ok.. quickedited the swedish script and translated to english..

    here it is:


    If it doesnt work:

    http://cid-fdbde48fe0e2f880.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Public/Sweclockers/Guide and pick 7integrator v1.0 english.rar

    Just place your language pack in the LP folder,

    Winpe_langpack folder is on the waik 7 isofile, you need to copy the languages you want to "workfolder\winpe\x86 or amd64\*whateverlanguage you want"





    if you dont want to integrate asian mui for setup, leave blank and copy the dvdfolder to the workfolder... Ok the script explains itself, but i have a v2.3 out soon i think which does more:)

    Thanks for sharing :)

    I noticed it only does one Index at a time, so If I want all index's modified I will have to run the script several times, correct?

    Thanks once again.



  4. Well yea you have to add LP to all versions ofcourse, otherwise would be convenient but no :P

    Yes i managed to add language packs to all versions.. altho i dont use winintegrator anymore, i use my own batchscript to do that.

    its using DISM as winintegrator does.

    Hi Grabben,

    Thanks for your quick reply ;)

    Can you please share your method? I mean your script! I assume it's more convenient than going to each (11 versions) when using "WinIntegrator", right? you must know that the process takes several minutes multiplied by 11 :(.

    If not can you please point me out to the right direction?

    Thanks in advance,



    BTW upon finishing your AIO (including Swedish language and updates?) for all versions, did you managed to stay bellow the 4.38 GB mark? I mean were you able to use a single layer DVD?

  5. Hey guys:)

    I have an English (among others) AIO DVD which contains all editions, Starter to ultimate incl enterprise (x86 & x64).

    Im whondering bout integrating LP, I know Winintegrator edits the boot.wim file so i can pick language for setup..

    Do ive to integrate lets say swedish lp.cab for both 32bit and 64bit to make it work properly ? Or will x86 swedish lp.cab work for x64 aswell?

    Dear Grabben,

    I'm facing the same problem.

    I have integrated (twice), first selecting Ultimate x86 and adding all updates (x86) and PT language(x86), then selecting the altered WIM (with Ultimate PT Lang and Updates all x86) and choosing Ultimate X64 and adding all updates (x64) and PT language (x64).

    During my tests the Windows Ultimate x86 and x64 were installed without any errors, although the updates somehow weren’t installed (because Windows Update wanted to download all of them again).

    All other versions (when PT language was selected) stopped with and error couldn’t find language file.

    So I do have to integrate on each index (for all versions)? Right?

    What was your approach? Did you manage to add your language (Swedish) to all versions? x86 and x64? And what about "Starter" and "Home" editions?

    Thanks in advance,

    Best Regards,


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