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About zoppz

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. Thx. This option worked, I got the file. Zoppz
  2. Thx for the promtp reply. That is the first place I looked. There are a number references but mostly in context of .Net Framework 3.X. I am not much familier with these thing so I need simple answer else I get lost.
  3. Hello First time on the forum. I need to repair a .NET Framework 2.0 installtion on XP Pro. The repair process looks for netfx20a_x86.msi file, which is not installed on the machine and I can't find it. I serached on the web, there are a number places it it listed as available for download but forces you to register and pay. Don't mind paying if I have to but subcription pricing are not very transparent, e.g. one site say $0.65 per day minimum 3 days or $29.95 for lifetime. When tried to pay for 3 days, the payment screen bar on the lefthand side show total chagr $81.80 today. Another said $3.65 instead of $4.99, but final number came to $38.80. Please help find this file; link to location where I could download, if need to pay it there is a portal which is clear on charges upfront. Zoppz
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