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About *madmaster*

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  1. This could help http://www.windows-unattended.de/content/view/78/98/ but its in german so you need to translate the page with the http://world.altavista.com/ site or search on http://unattended.msfn.org/ for somthing similar. haVE fun *madmaster*
  2. Hi, my Problem is that the Quick launch bar disappears as soon as the explorer gests restarted. Probably it is a registry tweak that prevents the explorer from keeping the information about the Quick launch bar. I would be very glad if someone had an idea how to change the problem in a system and in the registry tweak in the installation. Thanks very much in advance. Here the .reg File -> HERE <- or -> HERE <- havE fun *madmaster*
  3. thanks a lot, I will have try.. havE fun *madmaster*
  4. and ?
  5. here it is [Edit] some why I cant upload it here so ist is HERE
  6. I have worked on my XPlode.xml file for a while and tryed everything but it is still not working correct. The thing that does work is the reset in the end. But I do not see the GFX and nothing is installed. I would be very grateful if someone is able to correct the mistakes in the file. My version is 4.1.50226.868 haVE fun *madmaster*
  7. thanks very much 4 the help.
  8. If I use the old version will it work or whats exactly wrong with the syntax ? I have read the manual already ...
  9. Hi, I have a problem with my XPlode.xml and I have no idea how to solve. There is a mistake in this file but I have no idea what it is. <XPlode4> <config> <display plugin="#XPLODE#\XPlodeGFXInstall.x4d"> <show total='6' after='2' subcount='true' /> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='true' small='8' large='12' /> <window width='440' position='8' /> <windowmode border=’true’ ontop=’true’ /> <colours> <header back='#F8FF00' fore='#F55C19' /> <footer back='#F8FF00' fore='#F55C19' /> <progress border='#F8FF00' back='#F8FF00' fore='#225626' /> <main back='#3F7841' fore='#F55C19' current='#F55C19' description='#F55C19' overlay='#FFFFFF22' /> </colours> </display> </config> <items> <item display='Windows Updates'> <execute display='Windows Media Connect...' program='%XPLODE%\HOTFIXE\wmcsetup.exe' arguments='' /> </item> <item display='Windows Einstellungen'> <registry mode="write"> display='Schreibe Patchs...' ;Bluetooth Dienst - wird zur verendung der windows internen Bluetooth software benötigt (Ab XP SP2) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\BthServ] "Start"=dword:00000004 </registry> </item> </items> </XPlode4> If some one has an idea pls tell me whats wrong with it. *madmaster*
  10. ok the problem was an old version of the UXTHEME.DLL file. haVE fun *madmaster*
  11. Very nice job. Thx for the gui mode but in my installprogress i get in the blue mode weher the files are copied to the hd a message that the file is corrupt, when I press esc to continue everythings allright. What hav I to do eliminate this message? haVE fun *madmaster*
  12. ok it was this file I had forgotten to remove. THX 4 all your help. havE fun *madmaster*
  13. could it be a file called FRAMEDYN.dll I insert once because it was missing into the system32\wbem\ folder ?
  14. I have an old athlon 1,33 no 64bit support. I have in the moment no running version, but in about 2h I can post my latest boot.ini it should be a normal one, I changed nothing. haVE fun *madmaster*
  15. and any other ideas what the problem could be related to?
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