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Posts posted by bek

  1. Have been using nLite for quite a while. Latest runs with nLite v1.2, v1.3 for building a Dell image, I have gotten nothing but STOP 6B errors.

    I have removed adding the Dell-specific drivers and WFC option back to default. Still no go.

    I have now even gone back and done a manual WINNT.SIF style install (no nLite) and still get the BSOD.

    However using the original XP CD as well as a WinUBCD (BartPE) off a USB thumb works fine.


  2. Then, as I mentioned the second option is the startup script. At least it would be: 1) centrally managed, 2) keep source files central, easier to update and not having to copy to the local HD 3) Run under System rights - and before login... 4) not have to hack the reg or local rights 5) You can deploy msi and non-msi packages - whatever supports silent/switches...

    FYI - An AD push happens before the login prompt - so, no the user can't interupt - unless they power off the PC (very bad for a SP2 push!).

    Office2003 takes about 20 minutes (100MB LAN).

  3. You really need to look into pushing the SW via GPO (if you are running Active Directory). It is very clean and avoids all the user rights issues (install/uninstall/upgrade) - this all happens at machine startup - before login.

    The caveat is it requires an *.msi package, however therer are tools to make those if it doesn't come native.

    If no msi, then another option is to install it as part of a machine startup script.

    Any of the above allows you to publish the app according to OU and/or Group membership.

  4. I also have either found these in the forum (or ran REGSHOT).

    However, I have found a few tweaks that do not work:

    ;Disable Manage Server Roles screen
    [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Setup\Welcome]
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Setup\Welcome]

    I ran this during unattended and post install and the **** wizard still pops up!


    ;Remove "Shortcut to" in new shortcuts

    This never works either. anyone??



    Try using HKU\.DEFAULT path to make it apply to "All Users" - note that some HKCU keys are not always applicable here.

  5. One way would to make a startup script or scheduled task using the %RANDOM% variable. Since it increments between 0 and 32767 you would have to futher truncate it. then name your current file wallpaper.jpg and xcopy wallpapern


    set /a N=%RANDOM%
    set N=%N:~0,2%
    xcopy <path>\wallpaper%N%.jpg <path>\wallpaper.jpg /y
    or insert tne variable in your reg code...
    REG ADD "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v Wallpaper /t REG_SZ /d %windir%\wallpaper.jpg /f

    at least its a start (?)

  6. OEAccess... nope just a standard slip-streamed XpSP2; the last test worked as far it not showing up elsewhere in the menu's, however the admin profile and any new profile still gets the StartMenu/Programs/Outlook Express icon.

    Part of my cleanup deletes various .lnk's out of %ALLUSERSPROFILES% and %USERPROFILE% which works except the above scenario.

    I have the wallpaper set in both .Default and HKCU in cmdlines.txt (part of the regtweak.reg). What seems to happen is that the CU gets the wallpaper, but the login background gets reset to <none>; If I run:

    REG ADD "HKU\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop" /v Wallpaper /t REG_SZ /d %windir%\wallpaper.bmp /f

    Then I get the desired result; but I want this set during setup. should I add this to RunOnce instead?

  7. OK, got my nLite CD 99% there, however I have some items that either do not take or are getting reset somehow/where.

    I have 3 items in my cmdlines.txt

    "REGEDIT /S regtweaks.reg"

    Here are the problem childs:

    1) in winnt.sif...

    OEAccess=off  <---- but there it is! StartMenu/Programs/Outlook Express !!!

    Add/Remove Programs shows it checked!

    2) in regtweaks.reg...

    [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]
    "Wallpaper"="wallpaper.bmp" <--- this gets reset to <none>; this is also set in, and works ok in HKCU...

    3) in regtweaks.reg...

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache]

    Does not take! (it does if I apply it again, same as above#2); I have tried this using either /both HKCU, HKU/.DEFAULT keys

    4) in regtweaks.reg...

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Content]

    This is an odd one - works setting the reg, but does not reflect it in the GUI (IE Settings); but if I change it in the GUI it does show up in this reg key.

    I suspect that some of these are due to the default profile changing on first run - but I thought that using cmdlines.txt would set the defaults?if so then why does HKU\.DEFAULT settings go away?

  8. I ran into sim problem... it's the space in your UNC.

    You'll need to change your START /WAIT "<path>" to START "Title" /WAIT "<path>"

    If you see a cmd window open that has a title of you exe then you know this is the problem.


    @Echo Installing Acrobat Reader 6.02...
    start "acrobat install" /wait "\\nas1\IT SPACE\User Software\Adobe Reader\acroreader602.exe"
    @Echo Done

    @Echo Installing Winzip
    start "Winzip install" /wait "\\nas1\IT SPACE\User Software\WinZip\setup.exe /autoinstall /noqp"
    @Echo Done

  9. @minalgar

    re: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced

    ; "Personalized Menus" (disabled here)

    ; # of Most Recently Used Program Files shown in Start Menu

    ; Small icons enabled=0 (Start Menu), default is Large icons enabled=1

    Couldn't see any change in resetting the ServerAdminUI...

  10. Did you run it ala?:

    REG ADD "HKCU\Control Panel\PowerCfg" /v CurrentPowerPolicy /d 3 /f
    REG ADD "HKU\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\PowerCfg" /v CurrentPowerPolicy /d 3 /f

    i.e. "3" is "Never" (see below)

    If you tweak it - you can save the reg key out and use it to replace the default power policy.

    HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies\3

    Name REG_SZ Always On

    Description REG_SZ This scheme keeps the computer running so that it can be accessed from the network. Use this scheme if you do not have network wakeup hardware.

    Policies REG_BINARY 0100000002000000010000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000003232000004000000


  11. How big you want it?

    12 = 0x000c0000

    14 = 0x000e0000

    16 = 0x00100000


    CursorSize REG_DWORD 0x19

    FaceName REG_SZ Lucida Console <--My preference

    FontFamily REG_DWORD 0x36 <--this varies with font type, you need to set it or 1st time you open cmd.exe it will complain

    FontSize REG_DWORD 0xc0000 <---12

    FontWeight REG_DWORD 0x190

    FullScreen REG_DWORD 0x0

    HistoryBufferSize REG_DWORD 0x32

    InsertMode REG_DWORD 0x1 <--enabled

    LoadConIme REG_DWORD 0x1

    NumberOfHistoryBuffers REG_DWORD 0x4

    PopupColors REG_DWORD 0xf5

    QuickEdit REG_DWORD 0x1 <--enabled

    ScreenBufferSize REG_DWORD 0x12c0064 <---300 x 100

    ScreenColors REG_DWORD 0xe <---br.yellow on black

    WindowSize REG_DWORD 0x190050

    CurrentPage REG_DWORD 0x1

    HistoryNoDup REG_DWORD 0x0

  12. To change by cmd line or script:

    REM --- Modify Current User Console ---
    REG ADD HKCU\Console /v ScreenBufferSize /t REG_DWORD /d 0x12c0078 /f
    REG ADD HKCU\Console /v ScreenColors /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0f /f
    REG ADD HKCU\Console /v FaceName /d "Lucida Console" /f
    REG ADD HKCU\Console /v FontSize /t REG_DWORD /d 0x000c0000 /f
    REG ADD HKCU\Console /v FontWeight /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000190 /f
    REG ADD HKCU\Console /v FontFamily /t REG_DWORD /d 0x36 /f

    ...modify as a .reg file it would go something like this:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    "FaceName"="Lucida Console"

    Edit your default cmd shell properties then run below to get a look at your settings...

    REG QUERY HKCU\Console /s

    Change key path to HKU\.DEFAULT\Console if you want it globally for new profiles etc.


  13. I have got almost all drivers to work for my nLiteXP install; however the Intel chipset (82800 series "Intel_inf") extracted files only contain *.cat files; there is no .inf anywhere.

    The readme file says to copy the .inf and .cat files and to use the included INFAnswr.TXT file (no such file exists).

    Has anyone got this to work?

  14. I noticed that if I run START "\\server\path\setup.exe" it runs, but if it has as space "\\server\path with space\setup.exe" I just get a new, blank cmd window - however if I dont use START, just "\\server\path with space\setup.exe" it runs. I'd prefer to use the START /WAIT option.

    Is this bad/missing syntax or is there a workaround?

  15. At least from XP a NET USE does accept using the FQDN.

    Status Local Remote Network


    OK J: \\FS1\Junk Microsoft Windows Network

    OK L: \\FS1\Apps Microsoft Windows Network

    OK S: \\FS1\Shared Microsoft Windows Network

    OK Z: \\fs1.cityone.net\install$ Microsoft Windows Network

    Are you attaching to Windows servers? Samba shares??

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