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Posts posted by Bilar Crais
Crash dump will be helpful
If you caught in crash loop, hold down Escape key, that would prevent SIB from starting.
I don't have a "local dump" subkey for "Windows Error Reporting", whereas the tutorial you've linked to shows it there by default. However, I can try to create it. By the way, this is what's happening as the result of the crashing in Windows Error Reporting/App log:
Faulting application name: explorer.exe, version: 10.0.10166.0, time stamp: 0x55976770Faulting module name: painter_x64.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x54fc14dbException code: 0xc0000005Fault offset: 0x000000000000128bFaulting process id: 0x1344Faulting application start time: 0x01d0bc1d3a6f46dcFaulting application path: C:\Windows\explorer.exeFaulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\painter_x64.dllReport Id: 27cbbb8a-26ab-4ac7-85ac-4abc73d9400dFaulting package full name:Faulting package-relative application ID:
Is that at all helpful? Still happens with beta 3.
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I am running on W10 '166 x64, and when I install the beta, explore.exe crashes and relaunches repeatedly in rapid sucession. It did this on '159 as well. Anyone else?
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Here's the official, correct way of fixing this issue:
Courtesy and credit of "The Fixer."
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in hope I'm not too annoying...
may I ask what version should be best used of rt7 just to trimm the size of install
the 1.7 or 2.6 ?
No annoyance
The only difference between the two is that version 2.6 integrates service pack 1. Either one will do, though version 1.7 will suffice.
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Well im not willing to remove winsxs just to have nvidia driver properly integrated at boot.
Removing winsxs creates way too many unpredictable problems.
Agreed. I started keeping it because I got tired of wrestling with Windows Update. The 1.7 version has a new way to integrate the drivers; RT7 Lite puts the Nvidia drivers in a folder called CustDrivers in the Windows directory, They are installed only after you reboot the computer after installation. I prefer the old fashion way, but I guess it didn't work so well and he had to come up with an alternative method.
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Yeah same happened to me exept i integrated Nvidia drivers with DISM instead of RT7L.Are you saying this happens even if those drivers are integrated with RT7L?
Btw i always keep winsxs...
Yes, when using RT7Lite. The only other thing I did differently is that Windows Update released a new Nvidia driver version recently, so I tried to integrate those, which I had previously been successful with. Also, had a new Nvidia driver for integration, and I tried that one too, but it also is deleted on first boot. Maybe it had nothing to do at all with the cache, but the different drivers.
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So why is it that if I KEEP the Winsxs cache, my integrated Nvidia drivers are deleted from the DriverStore folder? This is the first time I've ever kept the cache. I can see the driver loading on the second reboot of the installation, but when the installation completes, and it comes to the desktop, the drivers are not installed, and the integrated drivers folder is empty.
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I only have 1 issue and that's with windows media center. I only removed the sample music, video and photo components and the issue I have is mcupdate crashes so I cannot get guide updates or internet tv/netflix. It also wont connect to my xbox 360 extender. Anyone have this issue. I just ran my untouched Win7SP1 technet iso in a v, and media center is fine. I am pretty sure it has to do with the sample media components.
Post your lastsession.ini and I'll have a look.
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Well i have no problems with 2.6.0 but i want a new version beause i want to make a new iso for the next ~4 months to use.Would feel pretty stupid if i used 2.6.0 and then 3.0 comes out days after i installed a new image.
Understandable. The new features sound exciting too.
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i used an image from technet integrated with SP1 and had 0 problems using it. i used 1.70 though to do it.
Same here.
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Any ideas?
Is it a genuine .ISO? As in, not been tampered with by some third party?
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Indeed SP1 has officially been released.It has the same hashes as the previously leaked version.Now we really need new RT7L for SP1 please...
The current beta works to integrate the RTM SP1.
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or you could wait for next version. bensam said he will fix it for next release
Nice to know!
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If you have integrated SP1 with RT7 Lite, but want to clean the SP backup files before installing the image, I've prepared this guide for the DISMally challenged:
This works whether you have only integrated SP1 with RT7 lite and exited the program before customizing, or after you've integrated and fully customized your image.
This assumes that your freshly integrated image already resides in a folder. If you have already modified the new SP1 image with RT7 lite, deleted the folder, and made an .ISO, you can extract the .ISO into a folder. For the sake of simplicity, I suggest you rename that folder to what I've used in the DISM command lines later on in this tutorial;
Rename your RT7 image folder "W7SP1." Let's make another folder called "W7temp."
Reboot, and after your BIOS posts, hit the F8 key and choose "Repair Your Computer." You'll have to be quick on the draw here; your window of opportunity is pretty slim to hit F8. Once the the recovery console has loaded, select the command prompt option from the list of recovery tools.
Now let's mount the image. If you've used RT7 Lite to integrate, no matter what version of Windows you chose, (Home, Ultimate, etc.) the index number will be 1, as shown below. It's hard telling what drive letter you'll need to use in the command image files resided in my "D" drive, but in the recovery console, it became the "F" drive. I just hunted around by guessing the drive letter and typing E:\DIR and F:\DIR etc., until I found the correct drive. Type the following, assuming that your RT7 image resides in E:\W7SP1.
DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:E:\W7SP1\sources\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:E:\W7temp
Once the image has successfully mounted, we'll clean up the SP1 backup files:
DISM /image:E:\W7temp /cleanup-Image /spsuperseded
DISM may report that there might not be enough disk space for the "scratch file" to perform the operation, but I found it safe to ignore this.
After DISM reports that the backup files have been successfully cleaned up, you can unmount and commit the changes to your original RT7 Lite image:
DISM/Unmount-Wim /MountDir:E:\W7temp /commit
After the operation is complete, you may reboot. Voila!
Now when you want to install the image, fire up RT7 Lite and point it to the newly cleaned folder and select no options except for the "ISO Bootable." Once the image is loaded, make a bootable image as per usual and burn to your medium of choice.
May I suggest that you print these instructions before rebooting, so that once you're in the recovery console, you can refer to the command lines. Good Luck!
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- Create a USB bootable device with Seven instalation.
This is my suggestions. Thank for the program
That's already a feature.
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I'm reading this thread but so slowly that it'll take me a few more days.. but I want to ask two questions:
I've removed a lot of stuff, like most drivers, defender, ie, defrag, dcleaner, languages, speech support, media player and center, dvd maker, and lots more, but i still get an iso of 3.3gig from the original of 3.6gig. rebuilt current image only, x86 ultimate. Am I doing something wrong, or should it be like that?
Also, can I install from a second partition, or an mp3 player, since I don't have a cdrom? or from another computer on the wlan?
regards, phyllis
First, you need to decide what functionality you absolutely must retain, and then we can go from there. You should be able to get your .iso well under 2gb. If you have a 2 or 4gb USB drive, you can install Windows 7 from it, provided your BIOS allows bootable USB.
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I allready solved the problem.
Do tell...
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Thanks, it is the inbuilt "Disk Cleanup" utility which shows 920mb of service pack backup files and it is true these cannot be deleted by this utility!
Nor can they be deleted via command line /cleanup-image /spsuperseded, online or off.
Further, I slipstreamed the service pack with Se7en UA and installed the image without any modifications, and the same 920mb backup is shown, and cannot be deleted.
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Successfully integrated and litened with rt7lite 2.6
Same here. Now to figure out how to get rid of the backup files. The disk cleanup utility shows 900mb backed up, but the utility is unable to delete the files.
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Session file handling of this tool is still just awful .. "File not found" yay..
You have to browse to the file in question. It's not that difficult.
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Awesome! While we're on the topic, would it be possible to include all the visual effects in Windows 7? See image below:
Agreed! I've not been able to find where these are stored in the registry.
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I noticed that if I attach a .bat file running an HKCU registry import file (tweaks that cannot be imported in the regular tweaks section) in the run once only section of unattended, the .bat file is copied to windows/setup/scripts, but the associated .reg file is not copied. The registry file is imported on first run if I copy both of the files to the Windows/setup/script directory. Is this a bug, or a limitation of the program? Is there a way that I can run a registry import within a .bat file without calling an external .reg file?
My .bat file is as follows:
START /WAIT REGEDIT.EXE /S C:/Windows/Setup/scripts/current.reg
Well, Duh, I just realized there is no way for RT7 Lite to "know" that it has to copy the associated .reg file.
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I noticed that if I attach a .bat file running an HKCU registry import file (tweaks that cannot be imported in the regular tweaks section) in the run once only section of unattended, the .bat file is copied to windows/setup/scripts, but the associated .reg file is not copied. The registry file is imported on first run if I copy both of the files to the Windows/setup/script directory. Is this a bug, or a limitation of the program? Is there a way that I can run a registry import within a .bat file without calling an external .reg file?
My .bat file is as follows:
START /WAIT REGEDIT.EXE /S C:/Windows/Setup/scripts/current.reg
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But still if I have to mark stuff on right first in order to be able to remove it, why can I tick anything on left anyway? I still do not understand at all.
No, you were right to begin with...I was wrong. I knew better, but I just said the opposite of what I meant. I should probably just keep my mouth shut. At any rate, my original point was that if you load a lastsession.ini, your last session options should load exactly as it did the last time you used the program.
StartIsBack++ 2.9
in StartIsBack+
Posted · Edited by Bilar Crais
That did the trick. BTW, before I knew you had a beta available, I had purchased a different product to fill in temporarily. From a company that Rhmynes with FarClock. Let me say that your product utterly destroys the competition.