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  1. > That isn't a valid comparison - all your start menu items are in the exact same place they were before. No, they are not. That is the truth only if you have just a couple of applications installed. If that is not the case, you have to scroll up/down to find them. Then, you miss them. Then you have to search for application again. Sorry, but this is not just my opinion. I have a contact with a lot of Win Users and all of them (during Vista) asked me to set them Classic start menu as they hate the new one. MS should do some search among current users to check their opinions, not just to force new concept for "beginners". > What forces you to search for things? New Win7 Start menu. I should have LCD monitor od 3000 pixels of vertical resolution to have all the things on it and to be able to check its contents fast. > You still have the icons, you still have the labels. I fail to see the difference. Once you get into all programs, the menus are the same, besides one being confined into a much neater menu. But if you want it to be bigger, I would suggest adding some buttons to the right of the start menu, this makes the start menu bigger. Sorry, you are missing the point or my english is not good enough. If that is the case, sorry, I don't know how better to explain you the feeling I have during new Start menu usage. > It was present in Vista, and Windows Mobile and Windows NT are not related in any way. Besides being completely different concepts and completely different markets, the teams hardly talk to each other. I have just assumed what is going on: Windows7 Mobile is announced and this new menu concept really looks like the menus on currently popular mobile phones. Please, just check the way current "no keyboard" Smart phones navigate through address books or program lists. You'll see the similarity. Logical conclusion is that MS is trying to prepare users for new Win7Mo Start menu concept and hopes that will keep the customers stick to their Windows 7 Mobile solution when everything looks just the same as on their (Win7) desktop PCs. I don't blame them, I would do the same, but, just to avoid such discussions as this one is, I would allow users to have a choice. Internet is flooded with similar discussions. Do you think this shows that MS made a mistake with removing Classic Start menu? I think so. > PAID BY MICROSOFT? I feel insulted by this statement. Do you think that just because we like a Microsoft product or feature, we are PAID by them? Of course you have the right to choose a different start menu Don't be insulated. I would be glad to work for Microsoft. I didn't say that all of you work for Microsoft, but, during my search for Classic start menu, I found a lot of sites/forums regarding this and whenever someone says something against MS regarding Classic menu, there is always an answer: "You are man of the past"; "Don't look back, look in the future"; "It was time to remove it..." or something like that I don't remember the exact phrases now. All those comments were short and look just like copy/pasted ?!?!? This all looked like a marketing campaign not to repeat the situation with Vista (that was also good OS if you ask me, even at the beginning, but you had to have a newer and better PC). > - go download a different shell since you don't seem to like explorer. How? I don't want to use Windows Blinds or similar. I just want to use Microsoft OS without addons because of stability. > Or download Linux. No. I don't like it. Too complicated, no standards. Which distribution do you recommend? > Or hell, DON'T upgrade to Windows 7. But I want to. I want its functionalities, its easier way to remove USB Flash disk, its speed... And with all that I want to use Classic start menu. > But DON'T even think of considering all the people who enjoy this functionality Microsoft employees. That is a ridiculous claim. It was not what I said. As it was stated a couple of times (I saw that on the internet), new Start menu is much more preferred than the old Start menu by the beginners. I saw a lot of professionals (or the people who claim they are) complaining because Classic menu is missing. > Who is forcing you to use Windows 7? You can still get downgrades to Windows XP and Windows Vista on some machines, and you don't have to upgrade your present machine. I don't understand. Microsoft forces users to use newer versions of operating systems if you didn't know. They just cancel support and what you can do? To risk getting some virus through some hole in OS or what? So, the only way to be relativelly secure is to use newest OS version. Do you know that there are a lot of companies that still use Win2000? Now they'll have to switch to Vista/Win7 just because MS will not provide Win2000 support anymore. So they don't want to buy new licenses, but they have to. > And if you already have Windows 7, that app will bring back the classic start menu. Sorry, I missed, which application? I finally found some application http://classicshell.sourceforge.net/ and it works perfectly fine. So, now I don't have a reason to complain anymore, but I would like if Microsoft provided this option, just because I think Microsoft knows better how to make Classic Start menu and I believe its applications are more stable then the ones from independent developers. Anyway, mentioned application (ClassicShell), for now, works perfectly fine without a single problem. > It just sounds like a lot of people are resistant to change to me, but I will respect your opinion that the classic start menu is better, because everyone works in a different way. Thanx man. You have to be aware that resistance to change is one of the basic human behaviours. Sometimes, if you have to change something in the organisation, you have to put a lot of effort just to force the people to accept the change. But sometimes people can be right? For example, I am using Win7 for a couple of months I still prefer old Classic menu. Sorry, I tried my best: Tried to type the names of the programs, tried to get used to scrolling through new Start menu, but it is just not efficient enough for me. I also hate this "Library concept" for storing documents as I think a lot of users will not be able to adapt to it. I just want to know exactly where my documents are. This just looks like preparation of users for "Cloud Computing" when all of us will give up of our privacy. Thanx for your answers, and don't you think that so much time we spent in this discussion could be saved in case MS included old Classic Start menu? Do you really think it was so important to discard it from the installation? I don' think so. Have a nice life.
  2. When I have my working desk and I put some book on it or some document, when I come tomorrow to my job, I want that document to be in the same place. If cleaning lady (or secretary) moved it to the left, to the right, or pt all the document one on the top of the other, she will be warned, next time will be fired. So, Classic Start menu had the possibility to put the things right there I wanted. Now, with new concept, you always have to search for your programs in "Start Menu", you always have to read and I loose serious time finding what I want. Now, I have (again) started to use desktop - I have to put all icons I often use to the desktop?!? Is that a progres???? NO! I don't want to type the names of the programs to be abel to find them? Sometimes, I don't even remember the names of the programs in the moment, but I know where it is and I know how its icon looks and I just click on it and that is it. This whole new Start menu was probably promoted just because new Windows7 mobile will have the same menu concept (for new touch screen phones where MS probably hopes to make a boom) and nothing else. This is bad concept, it is not good to force users to know by heart the names of the programs and, for you who think new Start menu is "the best thing", ok, you are so clever (or payed by MS) but do you really think that so many people who like old Classic Start menu deserve the right to choose??? What abaut if car manufacturers force all of us to drive just blue cars??? This is bad move for MS :-(
  3. Hello World! I had to take part in this discussion. I was searching through the internet regarding Classic Start menu in W7 and it seems Microsoft did a great marketing job: It seems that whenever someone says: "I want classic start menu back" there are always one ot two answers, just like Copy/pasted "don't live in the past" "you are old school" "it's time for progress"... blablabla. These look just like ordered texts. What is the truth? I also work for a big company as an admin. I really think this new start menu, the way of navigating in Windows Explorer and even the new way of navigating using taskbar will be a serious disaster. Actually, I think that this whole concept is "invented" just to give the possibility to the IT people to earn more money on providing lectures and assistance to the users. The way of navigating through folders, "Library way of thinking", colorfull windows, lack of Quick Launch, new way of navigating the windows are more complicated than they were before. Those new techniques are not close to the way how human brain (of the majority of people) thinks. Usual way of thinking of a regular person is the "tree way of thinking": You have one instance that creates more of them and all of them create new instances. That was all about the old classic menu. That is one of the reasons why people hated Vista and were stick to XP. Now when you have to move to W7 because MS will stop XP support, companies are in a deep trouble. MS, please give us the opportunity to choose, not all the people are clever as your programmers or your marketing managers. Some (vast majority?) will never understand your "Library concept" of Users folder, or the way Start menu/Taskbar works in Windows 7. Thank you.
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