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Posts posted by MHz

  1. If this is an unattended office cd, then you could alter the autorun.inf file.


    OPEN=setuppls.exe /AUTORUN



    shell\unattended\command=setuppls.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-

    This would alter it on my cd to right click on drive, and select Unattended in context menu.

    You could also replace /AUTORUN with TRANSFORM=...... so it runs on cd insertion.Would not recommend.

    Some changes may be needed to suit yours.


  2. To configure Windows XP not to use the classic logon and shutdown screens for every logon session, follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

    2. Double-click User Accounts.

    3. Click Change the way users log on or off.

    4. Check the Use the Welcome screen check box.

    Hope this saves a reinstall. :)

  3. Please don't show serial numbers.

    You could consider in cmdlines.txt, to have account creation before installing programs?

    In RunOnceEx.cmd, cannot see any code for finding what %cdrom% equals?

    rem statement is for...?

    Consider putting shutdown at end of cleanup.cmd, saves premature execution.

    Asterisks in user account? maybe an issue, if you are inserting 2 names with a space. May need inverted commas if so.

    Hope some of these help you.


  4. You are using GuiRunOnce. So insert it in your winnt.sif under [GUIRunOnce].

    You should be able to run shutdown.exe from the end of your install.cmd file without start /wait and without echo commands. As you can insert your message in the shutdown command.

    shutdown -r -t 60 -c "Reboot required, please be patient" -f

    Do not understand, why you need another command file?

  5. I tried it on the VMWARE but no restarting, I wanna restarting the computer automatically when it is finished the install.

    Any ideas?

    ECHO Restarting the computer....

    ECHO Please wait....

    start /wait shutdown.exe -t10 -r -f


    Remove the start /wait as it is not required. You may need to increase the timeout to 60+ , so you will login for theme setup.

    An alternative, is to put a self-detruct cmdfile in the startup folder. I use this method for removing shortcuts, run an autoit file to close some windows that open, then deletes that file. Then it executes shutdown.exe, anytime suits. The cmdfile then deletes itself. Works well.


  6. Anyone knows what is the difference between the basic and full version?

    I do. This is not the full version of Adobe Acrobat. The full version can create PDF's, intregrates with Office for PDF creation, etc. This is just the bloatware version of Adobe Reader that incorporates ebook library. Just a few more plugins to slow it down.

    The regular Reader is all that is needed.


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