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About fabioke

  • Birthday 06/07/1984

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  1. Sorry to bother again. I just read that there is a way to make a CD/DVD with multiple OS Let me explain my situation a bit. I have Windows XP Professional and Debian Linux 3.0 Woody on my comp installed. Now is there a way i could make a CD or DVD that will install these 2 OS unattented and that will partition my hdd automatic and will it configure LILO or GRUB? C: for windows XP pro and all programs (NTFS - 25GB) D: for backup, files, workspace (FAT32 - 100GB) HD0,0 in Linux: (or E: in windows) /root Debian Linux 3.0 and all programs 75Gb(EXT2) /boot 10Mb /swap 1024Mb Im not that much familiar with multiboot DVD so a little help would be nice. If possible in Dutch but english is fine too. TIA fabioke
  2. Thanks I didnt know what that [Data] AutoPartition=0 was doing actually. I'll try to put partition magic on the disc too. That should do the trick Thank for the help and make certain things clear to me. Greetz Fabioke
  3. Hi First off all sorry for my bad english, i'll try to explain my prob in as good english as i can. I made myself an unattented installation CD with Windows XP Pro with SP1 slipstreamed. Now my question: Standard it will install on partition C: but what if i have more then 1 partition? Like a D: and E: will these partitions be deleted? I tried the CD in VMWare but there i only have 1 partition and im a bit affraid it will delete my D: and E: when i try it for real. Some help plz TIA fabioke
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