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  1. I have been working with WSE 2.0 for a few weeks now and it works great when I use endpoints that are completely local (soap.tcp://localhost/...). However, in my network environment I am behind a NAT router and I can't figure out how to get the client and service to communicate because WSE seems to be picky about addressing. I have a dynamic DNS address that refers to the machine externally, and binding to that address as the SoapService's EndpointReference fails because the transport address cannot be associated with a local interface. I have read alot of documentation, forums and blogs and tried many configurations to get this to work with differing results including a socket exceptiona because the connection is being actively refused and AddressingFaults of Destination Unreachable. I have attempted to "manually" route the messages using Via, making the client anonymous by having the From field set to http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/03/addr.../role/anonymous, assign the correct adress to the SoapService using the SoapActor attribute, modify my router's port access (to ensure it wasn't an external problem) etc. and all to no avail. It must be a WSE issue because I can connect to the SoapService from an external machine via telnet when I bind it to "localhost", but WSE can't communicate properly. The bottom line question is: How can you use WSE 2.0 to start a service bound to a local interface address and then connect to that service using a different externally visible address? Any help would be immensely appreciated. (Just to clarify, there is only one NIC connected to a network.) Thanks, Chris
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