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Posts posted by bardugu

  1. whats up ..

    i've made myself a great unattended xpcd

    only flaw i've just noticed, the repair options is skipped, and it's very important for me..

    is there any correction to the winnt.sif i can add which will resolve the situation ?

    btw - i'm talking about the repair function, and not the recovery console

    thanks in advanced !

  2. i'm sorry for the ignorance, but as far as i know

    the $oem$ is being copied over to the hd, and usually files being executed by the runonce ..

    which is after the t-12 stage

    anyhow, i need the command for installing hebrew interface enabled, on a already installed xp ..

    thanks ! :blushing:

    edit : a switch that will set the language for menus and dialogs ..

  3. ironman -

    basicly i dont like the hebrew mui, i find it buggy and a resource killer ..

    i install it only if the client requests a hebrew interface, otherwise i rather not use

    any 3rd party software and stick with what came along the xpcd

    what i would like to ask you is,

    maybe you know the command switch to install the mui unattended, with the interface on hebrew ?

    i couldnt figure it out

    thanks !

  4. hey, all ..

    after quite some time,

    finally i got the complete setup for xp to be hebrew enabled ..

    the setupmgr is useless and so does most of the help u'll find on the net ..

    (i've been digging daysssss)

    i hope this will be helpful -

    winnt.sif settings :

    [RegionalSettings]    LanguageGroup=12,1




    and some regtweaks :

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International]"iCountry"="972"



















    "sLongDate"="dddd dd MMMM yyyy"


















    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\Geo]


    [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-789336058-1004336348-725345543-500\Keyboard Layout\Preload]



    thats all, have fun .. :)

  5. hey all, once more... :)

    today the problem is i cant figure out how to set the non unicode programs to hebrew ..

    the setupmgr does not create the proper line, and after many attempts with registry tweaks, altho it makes the change, it wount apply ..

    same as visual effects tweaks ..

    anyone knows the line to add in the winnt.sif that handles the non unicode ?

    thanks again, btw this forum is great, the only one i found really helpfull ..


  6. hey all, once again a stupid problem ..

    thie is the code :

    net use o: /delete /yes

    ping -n 1 -w 10000 > nul

    net use o: \\srv\RIS\Applications /user:guest@domain.loc

    echo Done,


    the ping thing wount work, it skips to the next line immidiatly, which causes the next map to fail ..

    i must have it on the same user .. anyone has an idea why the ping isnt working ?

    please save me ..

  7. problem solved ..

    in the winnt.sif

    theses are the lines setupmgr created me :






    the last line is in charge on the inputs .. daahhh :)

    so i added " ,040d:0000040d " ..








    hoping this is helping someone ..

  8. hey all

    one of my command lines is -

    start /wait o:\ris.cmd

    o: is a mapped network drive ..

    the problem is - when the pc is not connected to the network, it gives me an error message which halts the setup until i press ok, which makes the setup not so unattended :)

    is there any command switch i can add that will prevent any error messages and simply move on ?


  9. you can use a mapped network drive :

    just add this example line to cmd file

    net use o: \\server /user:guest

    (by the way .. " /user:gust " is not required if user is defined in the winnt.sif)

    and than continue installing stuff same way you've install from your cd,

    only replace %systemdrive%, with o:\

    make sure to config you'r winnt.sif to the right workgroup/domain

    make sure the server folder is setted with the proper permissions and sharing

    if you want to delete the mapped drive after installations add this line :

    net use o: /delete /yes

    good luck

  10. hi ..

    after 35,000 attempts, i give up

    i tried everything i could

    i'm trying to set the regional settings to add hebrew input locale .

    and of course the language bar so i could type hebrew fonts ..

    all i managed to do is installing the hebrew files, but i couldnt get the input locale set, and no language bar ..

    can someone help me with the winnt.sif ??

    my current settings are -







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