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  1. RunOnce is feature where you can define commands, whitch start on first start up of installed os. sorry for english In me case is here command "%source%installall.bat". As last step of xp installation is creating user profile(i think). If I nlited xp source files burn on to cd, before creating user profile is started RunOnce commands: "%source%installall.bat" If I use the same nlited xp source files for preparing usb flash disk via WinSetupFromUSB....everything works fine. Only this RunOnce dont started. I find out nlite create winnt.sif where is all inforamtion for unnatended installation. Last section of this file is: [GuiRunOnce] "%SystemRoot%\System32\nLite.cmd" that mean n lite create winnt.sif and nlite.cmd. winnt.sif is in i386 folder nlite.cmd is CABbed as nlite.cm_ also in i386 folder. File nlite.cmd content line %source%installall.bat During installaion is nlite.cm_ decompressed to hard disk to defined path from winnt.sif (exact path: %SystemRoot%\System32\nLite.cmd) this all If you need some other installtion i can provide it. I can simply try it. Its pretty quick and simply (if you have time of corse) install nlite .... copy xp install files from cd to Xsoure dir....run nlite....y dont need do any changes...only type to RunOnce "Paused"... and you will see what happend Many thanks EDIT: sorry, RunOnce is starting with first user login...no before as I wrote...
  2. Hello all. Please help me with me issue. I try do simply winxp install flash drive via cool WinSetupFromUSB app. I use Corsair Voyager 16GB and have nLited version of xp install. I have prepared nLited XP installation. From orig files I remove only Outlook, Messenger and MSN explorer and add login, cdkey, and some common things AND MOST important thing: RunOnce feature. And here start problem. In this RunOnce feature i have configured other software to silent install after xp install is finnished(office, adob reader, and other stuff). If I run nLited iso from CD its RunOnce working fine. And I can prepare USB thumb drive with WinSetupFromUSB from Nlited files. Installation working perfect...all settings from nLite is implemented, but with one exception: RunOnce.... this is not working. Please what I must do to make it works? Its very important for me. p.s. i can find after xp installation nlite.cmd in system32 directory Many thanks
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