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Posts posted by bauxite

  1. thanks for the info, maybe ccleaner devs might add this in the future, who knows.

    anyone know how adobe flash detects if new updates are available and prompts the user? there is an option to disable it using the "settings manager" linked above.

    "Flash Player never runs in the background to perform the auto-update check. The check is only performed when the player is loaded to view Flash content, typically in the browser, and by default only occurs if it has been at least 30 days since the last time it checked for updates"


    so then how exactly does it check at logon?

  2. check this out, what do you think?


    apprently it keeps a list of any website you visited that maybe had flash content on it, thing is ccleaner doesnt seem to remove it either and i have no idea where its stored?

    also it seems adobe somehow aks to auto-update every 30 days, again i have no idea how since since its not set running or there is no auto-update service.

    i discovered this just after i logged on and adobe flash player was asking me to update, how is that possible when no programs were loaded that even use it :D?

  3. good to see.

    what is your bandwidth capped at? its just slightly strange to see a 30Mb+ download and not even 1Mb+ upload speed.

    does win7 really need tweaking to the "max" to utilise the full potential of a 30mb connection?

  4. I wonder if there is some software that can act as a clipboard replacement, like teracopy can replace explorer for copying files?

    and maybe that may prevent this issue, or atleast give more information about it.

  5. hmm i guess if it happens in 98 and XP that narrows it down somewhat, if it can be ruled out from vista and 7.

    so whats the difference between IE7 in xp and vista/7? and it also occurs in IE6? hmm strange.

    dont think its possible to use IE6 in vista/7 right? or dont think anybody does.

  6. Sounds like you grabbed a multi line snippet and the URL was on the second or lower lines.

    See how in the pic I grabbed the invisible first row, you have to be mindful not to grab more than one line, that bug/feature of windows really used to bother me, but since I moved to Windows 7 and Firefox, it does not occur.

    That does appear to be a cause, although im not quite sure this is the actual "bug" since re-pasting a multi-line snippet never gives you the proper text, however im quite certain that the original text/url can be re-pasted properly after a few tries (without re-copying?)

    additonal info:

    after performing some tests i have found that straight after pasting the data into the search box, the text becomes "larger" and bold, sort of like a "flash" before it dissapears, re-pasting then works as normal.

  7. Hi dencorso, here are the details about the bug as i encouter it:

    im using XP Pro sp3 with Ie7 i think it used to happen on xp home sp2 as well.

    Basically, after copying any text, usually URLs from IE to IE and then pasting into the search box (mostly) nothing would appear, and sometimes after re-pasting nothing happens either, or strangely the previous searched text appears again.

    i've never payed much attention to it, like other minor bugs in software that can be ignored. the only "fix" i have found is to "select" whatever is in the addresss bar/search box and delete it then paste again eventually it works.

  8. sorry again, i spoke too soon, further testing shows it infact only works for some text file pairs as the one i posted above (which i was using to test the scripts)

    I was unable to complete the script by myself, no idea why it doesnt work for any two text files..(i think its because of how InStr works when used in that script, it doesnt seem to care for "lines")

    but i was thinking of a different approach, something like comparing each line from "2.txt" to every single line one at a time in "1.txt", it could be a better way? although maybe slower.

    After more experimentation i figured the line by line approach could be done through batch script, im no pro but it resulted in this amazingly bad (but working) batch file, or so i think, anyway i created two special small text files to test this, as it takes a long time on large files, but works quick for a few lines..

    here is the bat code, feel free to laugh this time. :)

    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

    set var=1

    for /f "delims=" %%S in (2.txt) do ((for /f "delims=" %%G in (1.txt) do (if !var!==1 (If "%%S"=="%%G" (set var=0) ELSE (If "%%G"=="END" echo %%S>>diff.txt)))) && set var=1)

    It's a bit of a hack since the string "END" must be at the end of each text file for the batch to know its the "END" lol

    translation to VBscript or Jscript help would be appreciated (if its possible in Jscript, anything thats faster lol i dont mind)

    files attached in zip archive include, the bat file, the vbs script, both text files and the expected results to compare.


  9. Thank you all, the script now runs however it just gives me a copy of "SomeFile2.txt" in "Differences.txt",

    im not sure what you mean, the files are not being changed while the script is run? ill try to explain it better:

    Every line in the text file is unique to that particular file, and both files contain some lines which match exactly and others which do not, however either file may have more or less lines the the other.

    simply i want to discard all the same lines to leave me with the rest or, only the lines in "2.txt" which are not in "1.txt" (if that makes the process easier)

    Hope im making sense, i think i may even be intersted in learning VBscript, although i barely have much time and it seems rather difficult, anyway thanks :)

    after quite a bit of reading at the MSDN site, specifically on the InStr function, and with lots of luck i seemingly found a solution.

    Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim StrTxt1, StrTxt2, StrTxt3, Ts
    '-> First Text File
    Set Ts = Fso.OpenTextFile("PATH_TO_FILE\SomeFile1.txt", 1)
    StrTxt1 = Ts.ReadAll
    '-> Second Text File
    Set Ts = Fso.OpenTextFile("PATH_TO_FILE\SomeFile2.txt", 1)
    Do Until Ts.AtEndOfStream
    StrTxt2 = Ts.ReadLine
    '-> If Not There Add It
    If InStr(StrTxt1, StrTxt2) = 0 Then
    StrTxt3 = StrTxt3 & StrTxt2 & vbCrLf
    End If
    '-> Third Text File
    Set Ts = Fso.CreateTextFile("PATH_TO_FILE\Differences.txt")
    Ts.WriteLine StrTxt3

    all i did was was change the StrTxt variables around and make the whole thing If = 0, i barely know what im talking about here so dont laugh :D

  10. Sorry i should have been more specific.

    Its just two text files that contain unique lines of characters (including numbers/symbols like :,\)

    1.txt contains on each line:




    C:\im random\ini.txt

    and 2.txt is almost similar:




    C:\im random\ini.txt

    im new.txt

    so in 2.txt there may be new unique lines and/or some that are modified from 1.txt.

    I used findstr like:

    findstr /l /v /g:1.txt 2.txt >> changes.txt

    which as i understand would try to match each line from 2.txt to 1.txt (not sure what order) and if no match was found redirect it to changes.txt therefore i would get a new text file with all the new or modified lines (although not deleted lines as far as i know).

    this works as long as the entire line is less than about 125 characters long, that was the problem.

  11. Hi im using FINDSTR from batch file to compare two text files, however the files contain rather long lines, maybe greater than or around 200 characters.

    and when run, FINDSTR simply complains that the search string is "too long", the limit seems to be somwhere around 127.

    Is there any workaround or a different way to compare two text files? as far as i know the "FIND" command has a larger limit but im not sure how to make it work to my liking if it is possible at all.

    any help is appreciated.

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