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Everything posted by kiwidj

  1. Hi, Unfortunately this does not work either, I actually changes the path to \Drivers because I read a technet forum user who solved the same issue by changing the path to this - unfortunately this is not working for me. I've also tried with C:\Drivers and %SYSTEMROOT%\Drivers without success. After a lot more reading today it looks like the Offline Servicing isn't going to work with my deployment method (deploying a captured image without invoking setup.exe from PE) and I'm not sure about how I would go about automating AuditSystem in such a manner to achieve this either as I want all the drivers installed before an interactive user session (audit mode or otherwise) is presented.. however it looks like I've found a couple of methods that will work: This first method uses 'pnpUnattend.exe AuditSystem [/L]' by adding the PNPUnattend driverpath into the registry in the SetupComplete.cmd I can install all drivers prior to logon. this works okay but a black screen is displayed while setupcomplete runs and the driver installation takes a while (plus windows setup has already done this so it's doubling up driver installation time). SetupComplete.cmd contents: ECHO Configuring PNP Driver Installation.. REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\UnattendSettings\PnPUnattend\DriverPaths\1" /v Path /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Drivers" ECHO Installing PNPDeviceDrivers C:\Windows\System32\pnpUnattend.exe AuditSystem /L Secondly; The preferable way (for me at least) I've found is to edit the devicepath in the registry of the image being deployed to include my custom driver path, Windows Setup appears to scan this during minisetup and install the correct drivers from startup (installing devices phase)! I still find it frustrating that it's had to come to this as I'd really like to have been able to do using the correct configuration (unattend.xml) files and without resorting to registry hacks / fixes..
  2. my understanding of when/how each phase runs is a little limited but because this will be a fully automated installation I'd like the driver installation to run in the Offline Servicing path rather than Audit system, you can see from the unattend.xml that I have driver paths specified in both but neither is being picked up at the moment. I also have another basic unattend.xml which I use to build the base reference image and install the automation agent - which then installs core apps and patches - then sysprep's and shutdown and an image is captured.. then for deployment: 1. prepare the disk 2. apply the image 3. copy the deploy_unattend.xml 4. copy drivers 5. reboot to begin windows setup (I'm not running setup.exe from WinPE) - actually this makes me think - does the driver path need to be in the reference unattend.xml also? (is the driver path still written to the registry like XP etc does?) deploy_unattend.xml
  3. Thanks for the reply - sorry I should have mentioned I've tried using dism online to add drivers (just tried it again to confirm) but I get an error:50 'This command can only be used with an Offline image.' However this is logged on as a user account - not sure if there behaviour differs when run using the 'SetupComplete.cmd'? (I assume the only difference will be the context the command is executed in (i.e. system for setupcomplete.cmd rather than user)
  4. Hi, I'm currently working on a hardware independent Windows 7 image using HTA/vbscript to control process of deployment and perform hardware identification then apply a specific driver set depending on the detected hardware. I don't want to include all drivers into the reference image as this will slow the deployment time as additional support for hardware is provided. In an ideal world I would use DISM to inject the drivers into the offline image after it has been applied - however I'm not able to do this as DISM will not run in a Windows PE 2.1 environment (and WinPE3.0 is not an option right now). Currently: •I have an automated reference image task sequence and a separate deploy image task sequence. •I have prepared and applied the Win7 image using imagex, then I am copying the correct device drivers to the local harddrive.\ •the machine builds using the unattend.xml although drivers are not installed for all devices since it cannot find the local drivers. So my options now are (in order of preference that I can think of..): 1. Provide some way in the tell the unattend.xml / Win7 to use the new drivers on the local hardrive (C:\drivers) early during windows setup. 2. Run a first logon command to install these new drivers from the local hard drive - this isn't ideal as it would mean video drivers would not be installed until a good way through the setup sequence. At the moment in the unattend.xml I have setup in Offline Servicing the path to the drivers (c:\drivers) but this is not processed from this directory since the machine is not in an offline state by the time I'm deploying the image. It looks like I may be able to use pnputil to do import the drivers into the driver store, not sure if this is the best way though and also not sure how I force a full rescan to update all drivers afterwards? Any ideas what my options I have? In 2000/XP/2003 this was a simple as a few registry tweaks to specify the path and copying drivers into said path.. Thanks!
  5. Hi I'm having issues with out unattended build process, basically this has been working fine for XP SP1 & SP2 but for some reason this has stopped working correctly for SP3. Basically the issue is the build will complete successfully but when you view the permissions set on C: there are corrupt permissions there, such as: C: Administrators (HOSTNAME\Administrators) : Full Control S-1-5-21-918433936-2086638591-69549339-1108 : Modify S-1-5-21-918433936-2086638591-69549339-1112 : Read & Execute It's obviously not matching the SID with the group (SYSTEM & Users I think) but I'm not sure why.. the permission on the folders below are set correctly?? Here's the build process we're using (this has been done in vbscript but I've listed it here in batch script for readability..): diskpart select disk 0 clean create partition primary select partition 1 active format quick fs=ntfs label="SYSTEM" assign letter=c exit md c:\Source md c:\Source\Control copy M:\Deploy\Builds\OPTIMIZED\subbuild\unattend.txt c:\Source\Control\*.* md c:\Sysprep copy M:\Deploy\Builds\OPTIMIZED\subbuild\sysprep.inf c:\Sysprep\*.* imagex /apply M:\Build\Source\WindowsXPSP3.wim 1 C: md c:\drivers copy "C:\Source\Control\Build.cmd" "X:\Build.cmd" : (See below for build.cmd details..) x:\Build.cmd peshutdown /reboot BUILD.CMD cscript //nologo M:\Control\updatedrvpath.vbs C:\Source\Control\unattend.txt c:\drivers cscript //nologo M:\Control\updatedrvpath.vbs C:\SysPrep\SysPrep.inf c:\drivers C:\Source\OS\i386\winnt32.exe /unattend1:C:\Source\Control\unattend.txt /s:C:\Source\OS\i386 /s:C:\Source\OS\i386 /s:C:\Source\OS\i386 /s:C:\Source\OS\i386 /s:C:\Source\OS\i386 /s:C:\Source\OS\i386 /s:C:\Source\OS\i386 /s:C:\Source\OS\i386 /syspart:c: /tempdrive:c: /copysource:lang /debug4:C:\source\OSdebug.log I've tested the wim (I386) source is okay and not corrupt, have created a new version of the unattend.txt using MDT2008 Update 1 and this also gives me the same corrupt permissions.. so it must me an issue with my process and with SP3?? This also does not seem to be hardware specific, virtual or physical I get the same results.. Any ideas why this might be happening??
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