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Everything posted by P-Holder

  1. I registered add-ins for MS VB 6.0 IDE (they are written in VB6 and located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\AddIns) and they are displayed in the Addin Manager when I'm working as the administrator, but when I'm the usual user, that list is empty. How to fix this? Thanks in advance. Otherwise simply know: to fix the "Add-ins in MSVS 6.0 Pro unavailable", you should do the following. At first, prepare to fix the following issue "Add-ins in MSVS 6.0 Pro unavailable". So, preparing: 1. Issue. Issue is: "Add-ins in MSVS 6.0 Pro unavailable". Great. So, you wonder: how do you fix that issue? That is a great issue, by the way. Look: Add-ins, add-inS! Then MSVS 6.0 (Pro!), and "unavailable", lots of various things... Do we have three issues or only one issue now?..
  2. When I'm using XP Corporate Edition, IE8 works fine, but at home I have fresh install of the retail version and suddenly I found that when the "Open in a new tab" item of the context menu is clicked, the tab is opened (it's caption is "Connecting") and nothing happens. "Open in a new window" doesn't work at all. I tried this (http://www.suryatechnologies.com/content/internet-explorer-8-open-new-tabwindow-does-not-work), unregistered that dll and registered again, still no joy. Googling became so hard. Any help, please.
  3. No, it is possible to write a COM library recognized by Visual Basic 6 by means of Visual Basic 2005 as MSDN states.
  4. No, it is possible. I found out that there is a small trick there that helps to do this. I compared the sample project file found somewhere in the web (Sample COM library for Visual Basic 6 written in VB2005) and the simple class library generated by Visual Basic 2005 Express Application Wizard. There are only a few lines different from the Sample COM library's project file. If somebody needs to know exactly what lines should be copied to the main project file of the class library, send me a private message and I'll review the code. So I've already written the required wrappers for that COM library and the problem is solved. Furthemore, I've obtained Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional and have no need to do such tricks, but it's turned out to be possible.
  5. Hi all! I've got some COM library which uses such datatypes that it is impossible to use some methods and properties in VB6. But Visual Basic 2005 sees all of them properly, so it would be nice to write a very simple COM library with the same classes but the other datatypes to connect that incompatible library to Visual Basic. Is it possible to write such a library in Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition? There's the article on how to build a COM library in MSDN 2005 Express. It proposes two ways, one uses a template which I didn't find (it seems to me that it is not included in VB2005 Express). I created the library using the second method and tried to register it with RegSvr32 and add a reference in Word 2000 VBE. But the RegSvr32 reported that it can only load the library and the referencing also was not possible. Besides, I didn't find the checkbox mentioned in the article on the Build tab that must be checked to have the COM library compiled. So can I build a VB6-compatible COM library with VB2005 Express? For example, can the COM template from the full version and a manual registration help to do this? If not, is it possible with the Visual Studio 2008 Professional? Thank you for reading. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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