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Everything posted by Naumi

  1. Thanks, now i found a solution, but if I used the inf solution, the Dialog came up at the T13 ... appliing infs... - BUT THERE WAS NO RUNONCE INSTALLATION afterthat I only used a batch at the cmdlines.txt - > this works fine. Thanks for your help - Very Nice Tool XPCreate!!!!!
  2. What goes wrong with my applicationsetups at runonceex 1. I am using a netshare installation point (patched with XPCreate) 2. This runs really fine 3. I want to set up different apps at the first login I tried: - using the inf-description attached - new.inf, runonceex.inf - nothing installs! (filename runonceex.inf not 8:3 format!!!-> every entries renamed to runonce.inf ) - txtsetup.sif entries,.... - cmdlines.txt empty - but also a cmd mentioned here is not executed - $OEM$ is already copied, but nothing executed! why is no regentry and execution done ? who can help me from the beginning on? step by step using_runonceex.pdf
  3. Hello paketeers, I'm a netinstall paketeer and I was looking for the right place, where help can be found for paketeers. The most important site is www.appdeploy.com There are many tools, tips and tricks and package switches for a lot of unattended installations!!!
  4. One I forgot I was wondering, but also the Qchain Application was not needed for my solution!
  5. SOLUTION FOUND!!! 1. Source CD used, was an XP incl. SP1a CD 2. Only Used Hotfixes from HF1: 810217.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 820291.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 821253.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 822603.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 823182.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 824105.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 824141.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 825119.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 826939.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 826942.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 828026.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 828035.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 828741.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 829558.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 833998.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 835732.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 837001.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z 837272.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z [ProductCatalogsToInstall] KB810217.CAT KB820291.CAT KB821253.CAT KB822603.CAT KB823182.CAT KB824105.CAT KB824141.CAT KB825119.CAT KB826939.CAT KB826942.CAT KB828035.CAT KB828741.CAT KB829558.CAT KB833998.CAT KB835732.CAT KB837001.CAT KB837272.CAT Q828026.CAT 3. I was using XPCreate.ini: [XPCREATE] BOOTIMGFILE=BOOT\BOOT.BIN CDBURNER= CDERASE=NO CDLABEL=XPpostSP1 CDSPEED=24 COPYSOURCE=YES DELISOS=NO DELROOT=NO DELTEMP=NO DLAUTO=NO DLURL=http://xpcreate.wiretapped.us/HFLISTS DOCABS=YES DOCD=NO DOISO=YES DOPATH=NO DOSATA=YES DOSVCPACK=YES DRIVERDIR=$OEM$\$1\DRIVERS EXITQUIET=NO OVERWRITEOEM=YES QLOG= SILENTINSTALL=YES SLIPHF1=YES SLIPHF2=NO SLIPMDC=NO SLIPSPK=NO for W2K say YES XPISO=XPCREATE.ISO XPSOURCE=g: 4. After Success Delete following entry from dosnet.inf d1,ASMS\60\MSFT\WINDOWS\COMMON\CONTROLS\comctl32.dll d1,ASMS\60\MSFT\WINDOWS\COMMON\CONTROLS\controls.cat d1,ASMS\60\MSFT\WINDOWS\COMMON\CONTROLS\controls.man d1,PCONFIG\60\COMCTL\comctl.cat d1,PCONFIG\60\COMCTL\comctl.man It also works for Windows 2000 So I can say, that it must be an error from one of the others patches!!
  6. Now I try step by step patch for patch I Think there is one patch that causes the problem, because if I copie only slipstreamed Xp incl- SP1 Source to the share it works
  7. It doesn't work anyway,
  8. I found an entry that is on our basic SP1 Netshare installation in the dosnet.inf, that was missing in the XPcreated source: [ForceCopyDriverCabFiles] ntoskrnl.exe ndis.sys ipsec.sys tcpip.sys netbt.sys rdbss.sys mup.sys mrxsmb.sys tdi.sys ksecdd.sys kernel32.dll ntdll.dll msvcrt.dll msvcrt40.dll mfc42.dll mfc42chs.dll mfc42cht.dll mfc42deu.dll mfc42esp.dll mfc42fra.dll mfc42ita.dll mfc42jpn.dll mfc42kor.dll binlsvc.dll dhcpssvc.dll I added this section to the dosnet.inf I try now to install again. If i was successful I will post again!
  9. I'm using a netinstallation of the XPcreated Sources it installs well, but at the aLoguto logon into the domain it fails. Workstation is already in the domain( system prop. says so) , name is also ok, but it doesn't get any IP. Can only login locally. ipconfig /release, ..renew does not find the file specified? I'm using a customized unattend.txt! what's wrong - does anybody know something about the problem? Naumi
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