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  1. Wow, thanks for your tips, wasn't expecting a reply so soon! I tried it, and I see two problems with it... one with a workaround, one without a workaround that I can see. Problem 1... "local users and groups" wasn't anywhere to be seen when I looked at computer management. I got around that at command prompt, with the ol' faithful "NET USER" command, made a batch script, then plugged it in. The batch script reads as follows if you're curious: vboy_adv.exe shutdown -l -t 25 Problem 2... the script ran, but immediately after running the program I wanted it to run (we're talking hardly enough time to get the window up), the shutdown box came up - I put a timer on it so I'd know when it happened, because I did suspect it might. I can't actually see any way around that... I'm guessing the program detatches itself and runs in a separate thread, and I'm not sure how to get around that. Does anyone have any ideas, please? And finally... I don't know how to change the shell either, and a Google search turned up nothing. It does sound like a good idea, though, and could be accomplished by overwriting explorer.exe... but I don't want to do that as it would affect ALL users Anyone out there know? Thanks again
  2. Hi everyone! I'm faced with a rather intriguing problem, I was wondering if any of you could help me out with it please? I'd like to be able to log in with a given username and password - and when I do, Windows XP won't start up fully, it won't touch the startup folders/registries or even load Explorer, it'll just run a certain program, wait for it to finish, then log off. I've seen this done at my university with Internet Explorer in kiosk-type setups, but I'd like to be able to do this on my own laptop with other programs that could do with the performance boost. Does anyone have any ideas how I could do this please? Thanks a lot!
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