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Everything posted by Draygoes

  1. Hi peoples! As the title says, I wish to add my current drivers to my custom windows 10 install disk image, because that image is for the computer I'm using. So I'd really like to be able to refresh it and already have all of my drivers installed and fairly up to date. Does Nlite have a feature that would make doing that easily? How about automation? I'm familiar with Autoit, so I wouldn't mind automating a few steps. EDIT: I forgot to say, thanks for your time, even if you didn't have the answer. Thanks for reading it. And thanks to the moderators and admins of this nice website. I know how thankless that job is, I;m an admin and/or moderator of quite a few websites groups and subreddits.
  2. Thank you for all your patiance and help so far. As I mentioned before, I am likely to place this in a bootable flash drive. Wouldnt that break this line? REG ADD %KEY%\080 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Apps\AddCalcCmd.vbs" /f Heres the modified script. I tested it and it works right. I am big into sharing code, and I figured that you would appricate seeing how yours will be used. '-> Object To Work With Dim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") '-> Paths Dim DTP :DTP = Act.SpecialFolders("Desktop") Dim QCL :QCL = Act.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch") Dim AUD :AUD = Act.SpecialFolders("AllUsersDesktop") Dim ASM :ASM = Act.SpecialFolders("AllUsersStartMenu") Dim AUP :AUP = Act.SpecialFolders("AllUsersPrograms") Dim S32 :S32 = Act.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemRoot%\system32") '-> Varibles For The ShortCuts Dim Obj, Str '-> Add Wallpaper Setup ShortCut Str = S32 & "\setups.exe" Set Obj = Act.CreateShortcut(AUD & "\Os Setup.lnk") Obj.Description = "Install software and test the system security." Obj.IconLocation = "setups.exe, 0" Obj.TargetPath = Str Obj.Save '-> Add Wallpaper Gallery ShortCut Str = S32 & "\dwallpaperg.exe" Set Obj = Act.CreateShortcut(AUD & "\Wallpaper Selection Gallery.lnk") Obj.Description = "View a custom wallpaper gallery in full screen mode, and choose desktop wallpaper." Obj.IconLocation = "dwallpaperg.exe, 0" Obj.TargetPath = Str Obj.Save '-> Add Cmd ShortCut Str = S32 & "\cmd.exe" Set Obj = Act.CreateShortcut(AUD & "\Cmd.lnk") Obj.Description = "Open Command Prompt" Obj.IconLocation = "cmd.exe, 0" Obj.TargetPath = Str Obj.Save '-> Add Cmd ShortCut - Quick Launch Str = S32 & "\cmd.exe" Set Obj = Act.CreateShortcut(QCL & "\Cmd.lnk") Obj.Description = "Open Command Prompt" Obj.IconLocation = "cmd.exe, 0" Obj.TargetPath = Str Obj.Save '-> After everything is said and done, the script is no longer needed. So now we have the script delete itself. Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strScript = Wscript.ScriptFullName objFSO.DeleteFile(strScript)
  3. Thanks everyone! Great info! Just one question. EDIT @gunsmokingman, How would you recommend having the VBS script launched? See, this will be placed on DVD and a Flash Drive. I will most likely use the one on the Flash Drive more often. Because of this, I doubt that %CDROOT% will be an applicable varible for Nlite. Should I have this placed in the Sys32 folder as well? And if so, is there a way to get it to self delete?
  4. Hi all, Rather than go through a large explination, I think it would be best if I just describe step by step what I would like done. 1. While windows is being installed, I would like to have an executible file placed in the Sys32 folder. 2. Before the themes setup and such, I would like that executible to be run. 3. If possible, I would like to have a shortcut placed on the desktop. Can someone explain step by step how to do this? I already know how to do step 2, but I am having trouble with 1, and 3. Thanks guys.
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