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Everything posted by henderson2k

  1. @ spacesurfer and submix8c Many thanks for the response. Your comments back up my view. I also found the following KB article [ http://support.microsoft.com/kb/163299#top ] which describes the AutoUpdate feature relating to WebAuthoring tools within Word97. The reason for asking this question: I have a dispute over a technical log printout which shows -attempted- accesses to the Internet. I didn't have access during the period in question; however the computer log shows, amongst other things, AutoUpdate entries from Word attempting to access the Internet, which the other party believe is proof I had Internet access. I am trying to find evidence to back up the argument, that attempts to access the Internet are made by computer software (such as Word97...) regardless of whither a user has access to the Internet or not. I am still a bit unsure if the help function within the Office97 suite would also attempt to access the Internet for additional information. I suspect it may and report a 404 error, within the help window, when no page could be found but I am unsure how to prove this? I welcome any thoughts and views and more so if you can provide links/evidence in support. Andrew
  2. Hi, A few years ago my work used Microsoft Office on Windows NT systems. I am trying to find out if Microsoft Office (i.e. Word) has an Autoupdate function which would attempt to access the Internet to check for any updates. I would also be interested to know that if by using the Help function within Office applications, an attempt may be made to check the Internet also. Andrew
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