Hi i have made a costumsize windows7 64bit Home premium with intergrated windows updates and drivers + programs/software. using RT Seven Lite Beta build 2.4.0. but if you look at my attach picture, you can see i can chose between 4 windows installation Home basic, Premium, Professional, Ultimta. it could be nice if my seesion file could work with all 4 windows installation, so all my windows update files and drivers ect.. would be intergrated into these installations. right now i can see that in my last session.inf it only works with intergration on Windows 7 Home premium. it could by nice if i could install all 4 version of win7, with drivers and updates ect.. from one DVD. i think it has somthing to do with the files below install.win install_Windows 7 HOMEBASIC.clg install_Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM.clg install_Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL.clg install_Windows 7 ULTIMATE.clg I really need some help here please. when i make a Image with RT Seven Lite Beta build 2.4.0 does all files like drivers and updates ect.. get saved in the install.wim file ? and what get saved in the files install_Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM.clg Hope you understand me Lastsession.inf