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Posts posted by Arrow22

  1. I used to love this program but I never trusted Windows Live.

    So, with the info provided by "Listener", Rick and Seemaan,

    I wrote a new interface that keeps everything local and off the iNet.

    I wrote this for Win7(x86) so not sure if it will work on Xp, Vista or 64-bit platforms.

    Post a msg here if you have problems on those platforms.

    It is issued with a semi-Silent installer that shows progress but needs no input.

    Hard Core peeps can tear it apart and mess with it as you like (and probably will).

    Source code is available upon request but written for Borland C++ 2010(Embarcadero).

    Tinker is FREE so Digital Rights crap from Microsoft should not be an issue

    unless they are complaining about not being able to scan your system as they like.

    With the Directx installers and the VcRedist package, its almost 60mb.

  2. I used to love this program but I never trusted Windows Live.

    So, with the info provided by "Listener", Rick and Seemaan,

    I wrote a new interface that keeps everything local and off the iNet.

    I wrote this for Windows 7 so not sure if it will work on Xp or Vista.

    Post a msg here if you have problems on those platforms.

    It is issued with a semi-Silent installer that shows progress but needs no input.

    Hard Core peeps can tear it apart and mess with it as you like (and probably will).

    Source code is available upon request but written for Borland C++ 2010(Embarcadero).

    Tinker is FREE so Digital Rights crap from Microsoft should not be an issue

    unless they are complaining about not being able to scan your system as they like.

  3. I do not know anything about the timeline as I slipstream and integrate everything natively.

    I would suspect it is your drivers.

    When you follow the directions above, do you see the OEMx.inf files?

    If not, then the drivers are not installed.

  4. I went to a number of places to validate my beliefs but

    as many that supported me, others said I was wrong.

    I really doubt that this thread will solve the debate but

    EVERYONE said scrap the Windows defragger, and I am sure all here will agree.

    In the end, it comes down to personal beliefs.


    Cnet was saying that Vista Defrags every week,

    I have not seen this on any of my systems.

    Can anyone here verify this?

  5. Arrow22

    Nice tutorial. however i must confess that i've tried both ways [updating one image and both] and the result was the same... Nvidia drivers don't install during setup... everything else installed fine...

    i' triyng to use winpeshl.ini as some sort of trigger to install the exe version of Nvidia drivers... still no results...

    Is there any other file/way to do that?? Excluding SetupComplete of the $OEM$ folder...


    For adding SATA/RAID drivers to Vista, I have not had a problem.

    Are you adding the 64bit or the 32bit version?

    Boot.wim is 32bit and will not recognize the 64bit versions.

    (Took me 2 weeks to figure that out - Forest for the Trees thing)

  6. No Disrespect Is Intended...

    I was going by my personal experience.

    Been doing this well over a decade

    Maxtor has been the worst.

    Most defrag companies will not state that thier program

    will lower the life expectancy of a drive.

    Defrag usually lasts much longer than a few minutes.

    If it is that short a time, Drive probably does not need it.

    Here is a nice discussion on it

    This info does not count for win98 and lower OSs

    Only the Newer OSs where most software is composed of MANY files that are located everywhere anyway.


    A real good article from Cnet


  7. Explaination of Playstation Game Copy Protection.

    Sony has a very effective way of protecting their disks,

    but it requires a hardware patch for both the reading and writing of the disk.

    One of the sectors is 1024 bytes long (2 sectors joined together)

    The hardware reads this sector and the string "Sony Corporation Of America"

    is spanned across the break.

    The hardware reads this sector and if the string is corrupted(copied disk) it rejects it.

    To recreate this, you must rewrite the hardware code for the burner (NOT EASY AT ALL)

    and even then, the disk can be copied and used unless similar code checks for this sector.

    This is just one example, there are many others but the jist is that the Burner Hardware Code

    will need to be tampered with in order to create the disks.

  8. Here is a Borland C Code Example:

    I did not write the algorithm but translated the seq from

    The Microsoft Knowledge Base articles for Borland/Codegear


    String __fastcall TfrmMain::GetCDKey(void) {
    byte bKeyChars[] = { 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'M', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'T', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', '2', '3', '4', '6', '7', '8', '9' };

    String sCDKey = "";
    int Stat;

    byte bDigitalProductID[200];
    byte bProductKey[14];

    TRegistry *Registry = new TRegistry(KEY_READ);
    // int KEY_WOW64_64KEY = l256;

    try {
    if(!bWin2k) Registry->Access = 0x100 | KEY_READ;

    Registry->RootKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
    String KeyPath = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion";
    String KeyName = "DigitalProductId";
    int KeySize = 164;

    if(Registry->OpenKeyReadOnly(KeyPath)) {
    Stat = Registry->ReadBinaryData(KeyName, bDigitalProductID, KeySize);
    if(Stat == KeySize) {
    for(int x = 52; x < 67; x++) bProductKey[x - 52] = bDigitalProductID[x];
    for(int ilByte = 24; ilByte > -1; ilByte--) {
    int nCur = 0;
    for(int ilKeyByte = 14; ilKeyByte > -1; ilKeyByte--) {
    nCur = nCur * 256 ^ bProductKey[ilKeyByte];
    bProductKey[ilKeyByte] = int(nCur / 24);
    nCur = div(nCur, 24).rem;
    String K = char(bKeyChars[nCur]);
    sCDKey = K + sCDKey;
    if(ilByte != 0) if(div(ilByte, 5).rem == 0) sCDKey = "-" + sCDKey;
    else { sCDKey = "No DigitalProductId: " + String(Stat); }
    else { sCDKey = "No Registry Access: " + String(Stat); }
    delete Registry;



  9. the thing that controls that(in xp you had that runonce key but in visat/7 its something else)

    thanks in advance

    RunOnce is also in Vista

    but I know what phase of boot you are talking about.

    When an update is installed and

    Needs to complete after the next Reboot

    Can you specify an update so I can test that?

    I am currently testing my Vista x86 installation disk and

    as I will be reinstalling Multiple times over the next 3 days,

    I would like to see if I can figure that out.

  10. Step 3 - Unmount the Image

    For me, I like to verify my work...

    Here is what the inf folder looked before the slipstream


    And like this after the batch file is run


    and here is the image now...

    Note the OEM0.inf and OEM1.inf


    So we are good, now create this batch file

    _3. UnMount Image.bat

    echo off

    set __EXPAND="%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Expand.exe"
    set __PEIMG="%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe"
    set __IMAGEX="%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Imagex.exe"
    set __PKGMGR="%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\pkgmgr.exe"
    set __Mount=C:\Mount

    Echo Off
    Echo .
    Echo .
    Echo . Unmounting Boot.wim from %__Mount%
    Echo .

    pause 2
    pause 1
    pause 0

    %__IMAGEX% /commit /unmount "%__Mount%"
    Echo .
    Echo .
    Echo ......................................................
    Echo .
    Echo .Removing Temporary Mount Folder
    Echo .
    RmDir /S /Q "%__Mount%"

    this is what it looks like


    How was that.

    If modifying boot.wim, do both images

  11. Step 2 - Fold in Drivers

    There are a number of things that you can do to the image while its mounted.

    I use it mainly to preinstall my drivers.

    I need the MediaShield RAID drivers for boot.wim to see my drives.

    This is how I slipstream them in.

    Create this batch file

    _2. Fold In Drivers.bat

    echo off

    set __EXPAND="%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Expand.exe"
    set __PEIMG="%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe"
    set __IMAGEX="%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Imagex.exe"
    set __PKGMGR="%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\pkgmgr.exe"
    set __Mount=C:\Mount

    Echo Off
    Echo .
    Echo .
    Echo . Adding Boot Drivers From OS Drivers
    Echo .

    pause 2
    pause 1
    pause 0

    Echo .
    Echo ......................................................
    Echo .
    %__PEIMG% /inf=".\01AHCI\nvstor32.inf" "%__Mount%\Windows"
    Echo .
    Echo ......................................................
    Echo .
    %__PEIMG% /inf=".\02RAID\nvrd32.inf" "%__Mount%\Windows"
    Echo .
    Echo ......................................................
    Echo .


    As I posted in another thread, boot.wim is 32-bit (I have yet to see a 64-bit)

    Do not attempt to slipstream in 64-bit drivers, 32-bit OS will not understand them.

  12. Step 1: Mount The Image

    Create this batch file

    _1. Mount Image.bat

    echo off

    set __EXPAND="%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Expand.exe"
    set __PEIMG="%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe"
    set __IMAGEX="%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Imagex.exe"
    set __PKGMGR="%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\pkgmgr.exe"
    set __Mount=C:\Mount

    Echo Off
    Echo .
    Echo .
    Echo . Mounting Boot.wim to %__Mount%
    Echo .
    pause 1
    pause 0
    Echo .
    Echo . Creating The Folder
    mkdir "%__Mount%"
    Echo .
    Echo . Mounting boot.wim (First Image)
    Echo .
    %__IMAGEX% /mountrw ".\boot.wim" 1 "%__Mount%"
    Echo .
    Echo ......................................................
    Echo .

    The 2 pauses are there in case you execute this script by accident.

    The mount folder can be changed to anything you want but

    besure to change it in the other batch files as well.

    If you are using a 32-bit OS while preping the image,

    change \amd64\ in the paths to \x86\

    as in ="%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Imagex.exe"

    Vista's boot.wim has 2 images, both images should be changed the same way.

    I have not yet tried just updating image 2.

    Image selection is controlled by the image number

    %__IMAGEX% /mountrw ".\boot.wim" 1 "%__Mount%" <-- for image 1

    %__IMAGEX% /mountrw ".\boot.wim" 2 "%__Mount%" <-- for image 2

    You can also use names but it must be exact. Numbers are easier.

    Ghost 12 has only 1 image.

    this is what it looks like


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